Christian Ethics Today

A DIALOGUE WITH THE SHEPHERD: Reflections on Psalm 23

A DIALOGUE WITH THE SHEPHERD: Reflections on Psalm 23
By Jerry Barnes

I tentatively, pleadingly, hopefully
called to the Shepherd,
"Come, walk with me
for I am weary and wounded.
I have lost my way
in this stygian darkness. . ."

Come! Come!
please come . . .
guide me . . . comfort me. . .
take my hand and walk with me
through this desolating
darkness to light!"

The Shepherd seemed
unable to hear
above the bleating sounds
of so many who safely lay
in the shelter of the fold.

Then I cried more loudly,
"Come! Please come. . .
for my sickness
is a sickness unto death!"
The words seemed to be
swallowed in canyons of silence
in the haunting and hungering dark!
But, the Shepherd heard. . . turned. . .
and softly said,
"I will come and walk with you . . .
through the valley of shadowed death.

You will have no reason to tremble
in the caverns of darkness
because evil is conquered and death is vanquished!

Together, we will lie down in green pastures,
beside still waters, bordered by sylvan forests,
and we shall rise to banquet
in the pastures of His Presence
forever. . . and ever!"

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