Christian Ethics Today

A PLACE FOR TRUTH: Leading Thinkers Explore Life

A review
by Darold Morgan

A PLACE FOR TRUTH: Leading Thinkers Explore Life’s Hardest Questions
Edited by Dallas Willard;  IVP Books, Downers Grove, Il. 2010


   Nearly twenty years ago Harvard University founded “The Veritas Forum”, a place “for the university world to explore the deepest questions of truth and life”. Here is a volume which includes some very notable and impressive presentations heard in this Forum at major universities all over the USA. Skillfully chosen and edited by Dallas Willard, a famous author in his own right and acknowledged as a major force in Christian philosophy, we have a result a book of exceptional value and relevance, touching on some of the major themes challenging the Christian intellect today.

   In many volumes where multiple authors are represented, often there are some inconsequential chapters alongside those of exceptional value. But here is a book, frankly, of superb quality and perception on every page. The Christian ethicist, the pastor, the theological professor, the laity all face today a range of issues far beyond the basic biblical premises which in themselves mandate a lifelong pursuit of truth. But “the Veritas Forum” provocatively addresses the additional issues of faith and science, the New Atheism, the guidelines of truth, social justice, evolution, genetics, etc. These are unavoidable themes as Christians everywhere search for truth. Here is a book which for some may raise more questions than answers, but for many others here is Christian intellectualism and an honest pietism at its best. You will be ultimately strengthened in your Christian faith if you read carefully this genuinely unique book. 

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