Christian Ethics Today

Base Economics

Base Economics
(Inspired by Enron and the plethora of TV Preachers)
By Al Staggs, Chaplain and Performing Artist
Bedford, Texas

A lot of talk bout God these days
on the television
and from the groups who want to put prayer
in the school and the commandments in the
So much loud talk comin`
from these well-dressed `profits` in the
glamour of their well-endowed sanctuaries
and greatly subsidized ministries.
I hear what you say, `profit` and
yet I can`t seem to take my eyes off the
accoutrements of your success
that do so impress me.
My, how God has blessed you!
It`s good of you, dear `profit` to
stand up for all that is right and true
and to help us know that our once Christian nation
is being destroyed by the promiscuity of all the sexual
marketing of Hollywood and the morality of our former
And we do know
and we do all feel the tug of our culture`s
infatuation with all that is not pure.

Oh, but there is another kind of lust that
has taken hold not only of our nation`s soul,
it has also snared those who pose as
proclaimers of God`s truth
yet the Truth has escaped these
impressive, well-dressed, well-heeled
manipulators of the pocketbooks and the minds
of poor vulnerable souls.
Put down that Bible `profit`
for you do not know what it says
to our day and time.
For robbery and greed are killing the spirit
of God`s children.
The devil of greed has taken hostage the
soul of this nation
and not only are you, dear `profit`
not exempt
you are leading the devil`s charge.
So why don`t you talk about this insidious
cancer of avarice from your lofty,
well-endowed pulpit of power?
It`s not prudent is it `profit`?
So you can yell all you want about the lewdness of this
sick society
and you can raise your hands and praise your idolatrous
image of God all you want
but it is all just empty chatter with absolutely no biblical basis.
You are nothing but parodies of truth
and if all we knew bout Jesus
was what we saw in the manipulative affectations
of your garish shows
some of us could never believe in any so-called savior
who was born in a lowly stable to parents of poverty.

You wealthy overfed `profits` of a false messiah
it is you, most of all
who need to be reached by the very word
you speak to us.

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