Christian Ethics Today

Christian Ethics Award to Sarah Frances Andres

Christian Ethics Award to Sarah Frances Anders

Dr. Sarah Frances Anders will receive the 1999 T.B. Maston Christian Ethics Award on November 5 at a special awards dinner sponsored by the T.B. Maston Foundation.

Dr. Anders is a distinguished Christian ethicist who has recently retired as Professor of Sociology at Louisiana College. She is now serving as Moderator of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and is a prolific writer and noted speaker. The guest speaker for the occasion will be Dr. Carolyn Ann Knight who is the Academic Director and Assistant Professor of Homiletics at the Interdenominational Theological Seminary in Atlanta. The T.B. Maston Foundation presents this award every other year to a Christian leader who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to making practical in daily life and significant in society Christian ethical ideals.

Banquet tickets may be secured through the office of the Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission at (214) 828-5290. 

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