Christian Ethics Today


A Collection of Quotes, Comments, Statistics, and News Items

“Those friends thou hast and their adoption tried, grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel.”
William Shakespeare, in Hamlet.

“There’s class warfare all right-but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”
Warren Buffett, the billionaire investor on tax fairness in the NY Times.

“The wealthiest 1% of Americans control 50% of the world’s wealth, while the bottom 50% of the world’s people, control 1% of the world’s wealth.”
CNN Readerboard.

“Halliburton hired Pakistanis and Indians for kitchen work, but no Iraqis. Why? They could poison the food! Before being hired, applicants were also asked if they supported Roe vs. Wade.”
George Will quoting Rajiv Chandrasekaran’s Imperial Life in the Emerald City.

“The test of a government’s commitment to human rights is measured by the way it treats its worst offenders. History will judge these actions harshly.”
Richard Dicker, director of Human Rights Watch’s International Justice Program upon Saddam Hussein’s execution.

“I have been called a liar . . . an anti-Semite . . . a bigot . . . a plagiarist . . . a coward. Those accusations concern me, but they don’t detract from the fact the book is accurate and needed.”
Former President Jimmy Carter in response to criticism of his recent book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid at a symposium on his presidency at the University of Georgia.

“The watchword of this new religion is ‘My country right or wrong . . . In Germany, it was preached by Hitler. In Italy it was preached by Mussolini. And in America it is being preached by . . . the advocates of white supremacy, and the America-First movements.”
Martin Luther King, Jr. in a 1953 sermon, “The False God of Nationalism.”

“We need to ask Americans to be patriotic about something other than the war.”
Sen. John Edwards on ABC This Morning.

“A realist is an idealist who has gone through the fire and been purified. A skeptic is an idealist who has gone through the fire and been burned.”
Warren Wiersbe in Leadership.

“The American people won the cold war-no one president, no one party. It was the work of many years and many administrations. The credit belongs to the people.”
Former President Gerald Ford, to Newsweek Editor Jon Meacham about the assertion that Ronald Reagan deserved credit for the fall of the Soviet Union.

“Exxon Mobil Corp. gave $16 million to 43 ideological groups between 1998 and 2005 in an effort to mislead the public by discrediting the science behind global warming.”
Union of Concerned Scientists Report (1/3/07).

“An estimated 5-7 million people in South Africa are infected with HIV/AIDS . . . by 2015 there will be about 2.2 million orphans there as a result of AIDS.”
Report from missionaries Ann Marie and Scott Houser at .

“If God himself did not compel obedience, than no man should try. Faith coerced is not faith, it is tyranny.”
Jon Meacham, explaining the theological basis for Religious Freedom on Meet the Press (1/7/07).

“If every American switched five light bulbs in his or her home to energy saving light bulbs, it would be like taking one million cars off the road!”
Al Gore on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

“One in three high school students in this republic says that the First Amendment to the Constitution of the U.S. goes too far in the right that it guarantees you as a citizen [and] one-half of students thought newspapers should not be allowed to print whatever they want without first gaining governmental approval.”
Baptist historian Walter Shurden addressing supporters of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty.

“His popularity is a testimony of the spiritual infantilism of the American culture.”
Ole Anthony, President of the Trinity Foundation, on Houston megachurch pastor Joel Osteen.

“A majority of cohabiting couples are unlikely to wed; 90% of couples break up within five years of moving in together.”
The Christian Science Monitor.

“Don’t raise your voice, improve your arguments.”
Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

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