Christian Ethics Today



A Collection of Quotes, Comments, Statistics, and News Items

“I haven’t asked for one, and I won’t. I’ve gotten the only pardon I care about, which is from Christ.”
Chuck Colson, Prison Fellowship founder and former Nixon aide who was imprisoned for his role in the Watergate scandal, on whether he would seek a Presidential pardon.
 Christianity Today.

“I have brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, uncles and cousins of every race and every hue, scattered across three continents, and for as long as I live, I will never forget that in no other country on earth is my story even possible.”
Barrack Obama, from his speech “A More Perfect Union.”

“Executions doubled worldwide in 2008. Countries with the most executions are: China (1718), Iran (346), Saudi Arabia (102), United States (37), and Pakistan (36).”
Amnesty International.

“A University of Chicago study found that four of the five most conservative justices to serve on the Supreme Court since 1937 (a total of 43) are on the court now—1. Clarence Thomas (82.2%), 2. William H. Rehnquist (81.5%), 3. Antonio Scalia (75.7%), 4. John G. Roberts Jr. (75.3%), 5. Samuel A. Alito, Jr. (74.0%). Other current justices and their rank are: Souter (29), Breyer (31), Stevens (32), and Ginsburg (35).”

“If you don’t follow Jesus to places like Africa, India, and Asia, you might want to check whether or not it is Jesus that you are following.”
Derek Webb, Nashville-based Christian singer-songwriter (Sojourners, 2/09).

“The science is clear and compelling: greenhouse-gas emissions, primarily from fossil fuels, are changing our climate.”
Steven Chu, winner of the 1997 Nobel Prize, is the U. S. Secretary of Energy (Newsweek, 4/13/09).

“Putting someone on death row costs $3 million more than a life sentence.”
CBS News (3/19/09).

“If students have guns on campus, that can only create more danger.”
Virginia Tech graduate and UT student  John Woods, who lost his girlfriend in the 2007 shootings, responding to a proposal in the 2009 Texas legislature to allow concealed handguns on college campuses

“In 1980 executive compensation was 40 times the average wage paid to U.S. workers. By 2007 it had soared to 433 times average salaries.”
Forbes Magazine.

“Taxes of $40-70 billion a year are avoided by 83 of 100 of the largest publicly traded U. S. corporations, who have subsidiaries in offshore tax havens. Citigroup, a major receiver of bailout funds, has 427 subsidiaries and tax havens, 90 of them in the Cayman Islands.”
Sen. Bill Nelson (FL).

“Twenty-seven percent of Americans said someone in their family put off needed health care last year because of cost, including 16 percent who postponed surgery.”
Associated Press ( 2/09).

“If Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth truly wants to add a curriculum for women that inculcates the “characteristics of the godly woman as outlined in the Scripture,” the school’s administration will have to add courses in commercial real estate (Prov 31:16a), horticulture (31:16b), physical conditioning (31:17), business administration (31:18), the sociology of philanthropy (31:20), commercial clothing manufacturing (31:24), rhetoric and androgogy (31:26), and spiritual formation (31:30). Without courses such as these, the curriculum seems only to promote a cultural counterfeit of the ideal biblical women.”
Jim Beck,  The Christian Century (11/13/07).

“Arrogance, incompetence, and greed.”
Rep. Paul Hodes, D-N.H., saying in a congressional hearing what the letters AIG stand for.

“I find it curious that we are first in line to support the coal industry that is polluting our air and destroying the Appalachian Mountains, yet when it comes to actual pro-environmental legislation, we are nowhere to be found.”
Jonathan Merritt, national spokesman for the Southern Baptist Environment and Climate initiative, in response to SBC lobbyist for social concerns Richard Land’s  support for Friends of Coal.

“We are born to die. Not that death is the purpose of our being born, but we are born towards death, and in each of our lives the work of dying is already underway. The work of dying well is, in largest part, the work of living well.”
Richard John Neuhaus, radical conservative evangelical Lutheran/Roman Catholic editor of First Things, who died in 2009.

“Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.”
Thomas Moore in the hymn Come Ye Disconsolate.

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