Christian Ethics Today



A Collection of Quotes, Comments, Statistics, and News Items

“For every complicated problem there is a simple solution; and it is always wrong!
Quoted on PBS Radio.

“True Baptists distrust church hierarchy, abhor forced religion, view experienced religion as their centerpiece, place confidence in ordinary people, and tolerate dissent.”
Cecil Sherman, moderate Baptist leader who died last April.

“Asked whether Jesus was his ‘personal savior,’ a monk said, ‘No, I like to share him.’”
Christian Century.

“When Christians turn to the law, public policy, and politics as the last resort, they have essentially given up on a desire to persuade their opponents. They want the patronage of the state and its coercive power to rule the day.”
James Davison Hunter, CT (5/2010).

“Never complain—the world is better than we have been, but we are not as good as we could be.”
Maya Angelou.

“Congress has no business telling Americans when or how to pray.”
Americans United for Separation of Church and State in response to a ruling that the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional.

“Life must be lived forward, but understood backward.”
Soren Kirkegaard.

“If I knew then what I know now, I would have picked my own cotton.”
A bumper sticker in Florida, to which David Thomas replied, “You still have the opportunity—migrant workers for Yum Brands  in Florida were paid 42 cents for a 37 pound bucket of tomatoes—the same rate as in 1978—until adverse publicity forced a 1 cent raise!”

“The Christian right is now poised to become a women’s movement—and Sarah Palin is its earthy Jerry Falwell.”
Lisa Miller, Newsweek (7/21/2010).

“Payments on the ‘virtual fence’ (the electronic system to increase security along the U.S.-Mexico border) have been suspended—so far it has been a big dud, and an expensive one, costing $1 billion to Boeing, who failed to design tests to work out the kinks.”
(Dallas Morning News Editorial, 3/10)

“We may all not have come over on the same boat, but we are on the same boat now.”
Rev. Jesse Jackson.

“If it was good enough for God . . . it’s good enough for me.”
Sarah Palin, explaining why she wrote talking points on her palm for a Tea Party convention speech, quoting Isa. 49:16:“See I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.”

“In 2010, women had median weekly earnings of $665—79cents for every $1 men earned ($844) in the same job.”
(MarketWatch, 4/2010).

“Taxation Statistics On Wealth and Income: The top 1 % of U.S. households received 57.5% of the income; the top 10% received 79.4%; the bottom 80 percent received 12.6%.”
Univ. of Santa Clara Study (2003).

“Between 2000 and 2050 the U.S. population aged 15 to 64—the key working and school-age group—will grow 42%, while the same group will decline by 10% in China and 44 % in Japan.”
(Newsweek, 4/2010)

“The U.S. military budget includes an operating budget of $549 billion, plus funding for the wars at $159 billion, a total of $708 billion—the largest in history.”
Sojourners (4/10).

Suspicious Americans: 50% believe it is right for the government to monitor phone calls and emails without court permission to fight terrorism; 36% believe the government was likely involved in the 9/11 attacks; 33% don’t believe in global warming; 29% don’t believe news organizations usually get facts correct; and at least 13 states have active secessionist movements.”
Atlantic (Jan-Feb 2010).

“Money doesn’t make you happy. I now have $50 million, but I was just as happy when I had $48 million.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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