Christian Ethics Today


(A Collection of Quotes Comments, Statistics, and News Items)

"People in the pews share the responsibility for the craziness we see in church today. We would have fewer con artists and unrepentant adulterers in our pulpits-or on Christian television-if church folks weren`t supporting them. What we need to do is change the channel, vote with our feet, and send our money elsewhere."
Editor Lee Grady in Charisma magazine.

"Military action, as envisioned by President Bush against Hussein`s Iraqi regime, would be justified under `Just War` ethical standards."
Richard Land, SBC Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission President.Baptist Press, 9/10/02.

"The burden of proof is high for anyone who would claim to act preemptively-Just War theory is a paradigm to make resorting to war law-governed and debatable in a public setting. . . . use of force must be the last resort. You never initiate an attack. It is a defensive theory."
David Gushee, Baptist ethicist at UnionUniversity.

"Enron paid no income taxes in four of the past five years, using almost 900 subsidiaries in tax-haven countries and other techniques . . . It was also eligible for $382 million in tax refunds from the Treasury Department."
David Johnston in the N.Y. Times.

"I just want you to know that you are not going to church with a crook."
Bernie Ebbers, Worldcom`s founder and former CEO to his Baptist church in Mississippi, who responded with a standing ovation.

"This was a pure case of theft, of inside stealing, again from their own investors."Congressman Billy Tauzin (R., La.), responding to Worldcom`s accounting irregularities amounting to "$3.85 Billion [and] Ebbers over $400 Million in loans at a favorable 2.15 percent interest rate"
(, July 19).

"American executives who want to evade U.S. taxes on U.S. income by moving their mailbox to an island and holding beach-side board meetings are entitled to a tan, not a tax break."
U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Austin, TX.

"For all the right-wing howling about liberal media, and although there is at least a decent muster of liberal columnists, most newspaper editorial policies are conservative. Talk radio is essentially one long, coast-to-coast din of right-wing rants. Television commentary is mostly of the `yes, but . . .` and `on the other hand` sort, but of the commentators with strong slants, again most lean right."Columnist
Tom Teepen, Atlanta

"Therefore, I believe today that I am acting in the sense of the Almighty Creator: By warding off the Jews, I am fighting for the Lord`s work."
Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf

"Men who cohabit with the women they eventually marry are more reluctant to marry and, then, are less committed to their marriages."
Center for Marital and Family Studies, University of Denver (USA Today, July 8).

"One average American uses 17 gallons of water daily in the shower. South African women together walk the equivalent of a round trip to the moon 16 times a day to get water."
Sojourners Magazine, July, 2002.

"Our ears have been thoroughly trained to associate the word `Palestinian` or `Arab` with the word `terrorist.` We never hear that 726,000 Palestinians lost their homes and ancestral lands when the nation of Israel was founded in 1948, or that Israel`s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip is patently illegal and that the U.N. has multiple resolutions demanding they withdraw, or that the U.S. subsidizes Israel to the tune of $10 million daily-30% of our foreign aid budget."
Ken Sehested, Baptist Peacemaker

"A popular Middle Eastern joke insists President Bush`s recent speech on a Palestinian state was delayed for a few days, waiting for a translation from the original Hebrew."
James M. Wall, The Christian Century, July 17, 2002.

"The underlying issue in this terrible church sex scandal is not-as the Left and the Right have variously asserted-celibacy, the lack of women priests, or the number of homosexuals in the priesthood. The real problem here is a lack of accountability. . ."
Jim Wallis, editor of Sojourners Magazine, July, 2002.

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