Christian Ethics Today

Financial Report for 2005

Financial Report for 2005 

From the beginning of Christian Ethics Today in 1995, the Journal has been sent free of charge to anyone requesting it. The cost of publishing five issues last year (Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall/Christmas) was about $84,917, or about $20 for each of over 4200 subscribers (an increase of 600 over last year). Due to the labor and love of dedicated assistants from Beeville to Wimberley and Dallas to Des Moines, the annual budget remains very frugal, even with 10% increases in circulation each year.

  During 2005, 562 contributors (an increase of 21 over 2004) gave $86,009 (an increase of $12,869). Most gifts ranged from $10 to $1000—$1000 or more gifts came from  individuals (including one gift of $10,000), foundations, and churches. The majority of supporters sent $25 to $50, which paid for their subscription.

Our heartfelt gratitude to every person or church who supported the ministry of Christian Ethics Today in 2005. Without each of you the Journal could not continue. Because of your support we are able to provide the Journal to hundreds of students, colleges, seminaries, and churches, free of charge.

Special Thanks to the “Valentine Supporters”

Our special gratitude to these supporters who have honored the dream of our founding editor Foy Valentine by providing major support of $1000 or more in 2005:

The Foy Valentine Memorial Fund

Please read Ross Coggins’ article, “He Being Dead Yet Speaketh” (in this issue), in which Ross “expressed the hope that all those whose lives have been touched by Foy’s unique ministry would join in contributing to a trust fund to endow the journal. Already some gifts in Foy’s memory have arrived—we will establish this fund to undergird the ministry of Christian Ethics Today and report regularly on its progress.

Visits to Colleges and Communities

In 2005, we spoke to students at Judson College, Beeson Divinity School, and the Houston Graduate School of Theology, and while in Oklahoma City, Birmingham, and Houston, met with supporters and promoted CET. In 2006 we will be on the campus of Truett Seminary and other schools to introduce students and faculty to CET.


Balance on Hand 12/31/04:  $26,146       **Expenditures 2005:   $84,917
*Gifts/Income 2005:        $86,009          BALANCE 12/31/2005: $27,238
                  TOTAL:  $112,155  

*Gifts/Income  for 2005 does not include the CIOS/Piper Fund Grant of $25,000.

**Expenditures 2005 does not include $12,124 expended from the Fund Grant, the remaining $12,876 will be expended in early 2006 for the Conference at Truett Seminary.


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