Christian Ethics Today

Financial Report for 2006

Financial Report 2006

In 1995, Foy Valentine had a dream—a Journal that would “inspire, inform, and unify” readers to work for personal morality and public righteousness. From its inception, Christian Ethics Today has been sent without charge to anyone requesting it. The cost of publishing five issues last year was about $84,000, or about $18 for each subscription. Over 5000 subscribers now receive the Journal, an increase of 800 readers during 2005.  

 Due to the dedicated assistance of Randy Shebek (graphic design) in Des Moines, Ray Waugh (website and mailing list) in Beeville, Suzanne Verret (Etheridge Printing) in Dallas, James Kim (Postel Tech) in Carrolton, and Audra Trull (Bookkeeping/Secretary), the annual budget remains frugal, even with a 15% increase in subscriptions each year.

 Our financial support has continued to grow. In 2006, 751 contributors (562 gave in 2005) gave $88,685

(in 2005 $86,000 was given), and that came in a year when many supporters also gave to the FFV Memorial Fund! Most gifts ranged from $10 to $500.

 Our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to each person and church that supported the ministry of  Christian Ethics Today in 2006. Without you the Journal could not continue. Because of your support we are able to provide the Journal to thousands of students, teachers, ministers, churches, colleges, and seminaries, free of charge.

Special Thanks To Our Major Supporters

Special gratitude is due these supporters who have honored the dream of our founding editor Foy Valentine through major contributions of $1000 or more in 2006:

The Journal is deeply grateful for a second year of funding from the CIOS/Piper Foundation of Waco, Texas, of $25,000. This grant allowed Christian Ethics Today to sponsor conferences on Ministerial Ethics at Truett Seminary in February and at McAfeeMercer School of Theology, Atlanta. The grant also funded a September visit to the campus of Ouachita Baptist University in Arkansas to promote the Journal and speak in three religion classes, as well as represent the Journal at the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Baptist General Convention of Texas, Christian Life Commission, and the Society of Christian Ethics. A major conference is being planned for the CBF Assembly in Atlanta, June 27, 2007, on “The Minister and Politics” featuring Jim Wallis, Greg Boyd, Melissa Rogers, and Tony Campolo—watch for more details.

Friends of Foy Valentine Memorial Fund

 Contributions to the FFV Memorial Fund, initiated in 2006 in honor of our founding editor, continue to grow. Initiated by many of Foy’s closest friends, the fund will provide a financial base (interest only to be used when absolutely necessary) for the Journal.

 As of February 1, 2007, 108 persons have given $165,950, including these friends who contributed since our last report: Mary Rickenbaker, C. T. Sparky Beckham, Dr.Marvin Harris, Neal and Jane Knighton, Meta Ukena, Dr. David Sapp, M. D. Samples, Ruth Bradley, James Ellis, Van Luen Foundation, Maurice Brantley, M/M John G. Ragsdale, Robert and Ann Fowler, Dr Kevin and Angie Heifner, Flynn Harrell, Lawanna McIver Fields, andDr. Hardy and Ardelle Clemons. 

 If you desire to contribute, the FFV Memorial Fund will continue to receive gifts. Of course, all gifts are tax deductible and deeply appreciated.


*Balance on Hand 12/31/05  $27,238
**Expenditures 2006:       $83,994
***Gifts/Income 2006:      $88,685
***BALANCE: 12/31/2006:    $31,929

*This amount does not include unused funds from the CIOS/Piper Grant.

**Expenditures 2006 do not include $22,500 expended from the CIOS/Piper Grant.

***These amounts do not include the CIOS/Piper Fund Grant of $25,00

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