Christian Ethics Today

Financial Report for 2010

Financial Report 2010

The year 2010 has continued the economic uncertainty following the severe economic depression and collapse of major financial institutions at the close of 2008 and the beginning of 2009. Now at the beginning of 2011, the economy seems to be slowly recovering, although all Americans have had to rethink their financial priorities.

We could not help but wonder, “How will all this affect Christian Ethics Today?”—a Journal totally dependent on the voluntary support of its readers? Despite these concerns, we strongly believed in the conviction of Foy Valentine from our inception in 1995, that the Journal should always be sent free of charge to anyone requesting it “as long as finances and energy allows.”

In 2010, 853 individuals (877 in 2009) gave $96,021—a slight increase over the $94,172 given in 2009 and an astounding total in light of the economic depression.

Can you believe that with this Issue 81, over 275,000 copies have been published, mailed, and distributed since 1995? We could never have accomplished this without your personal and financial support.

Every gift is appreciated—whether $10, $100, or $1000—it takes a village of supporters for us to continue! Most

gifts ranged from $25 to $100. A few who were able—foundations, churches, and individuals—gave $500 or more, without which we could not have made our reduced $90,000 basic budget. Much credit also goes to our capable staff of assistants: Ray Waugh (mailing lists/website) in Austin; Randy Shebek (layout/design) in Des Moines; Jim Renfro of Etheridge Printing in Dallas; Eric Lee of Postal Tech (mailing) in Lewisville, TX; and Audra Trull (bookkeeping/secretary).

Special Thanks To Major Supporters of the Journal

A special word of gratitude is due to the following supporters who have kept Foy Valentine’s dream alive through their major contributions. Eight persons gave $500-$900 each, and the 20 supporters below gave $1000-2000, and one gift of $10,000, in 2010:

**Several gifts received in 2010, as were the two ** above, were given in honor of our retiring editor Joe E. Trull and his wife Audra. Our deepest thanks to you all.

CIOS/Piper Fund Grant

In 2005, a submission for a grant from the CIOS/Piper Fund of Waco, Texas, was approved—$25,000 each year for four years. This grant has allowed Christian Ethics Today to sponsor numerous conferences at colleges, seminaries, and churches, as well as fund various projects including providing books, videos, and resources to various conventions, international seminaries, churches, and colleges.

The Journal wishes to thank the Piper family—Katy, Shirley, and Paul Piper—for their generosity in allowing the Christian Ethics Today Foundation to extend its influence and ministry far beyond our dreams and expectations during these past five years.


Balance      12/31/09      $60,611
Gifts/Income 2010          $96,021
Expenditures 2010          $91,833
BALANCE:     12/31/10      $64,799

*Note: The amounts above may vary slightly due to bookkeeping adjustments and reimbursements

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