Christian Ethics Today

Fulfilling Heart & Soul: Meeting Psychological and Spiritual Needs with Conscience

Book Reviewed by Charles Kinnaird,
Birmingham, AL

Fulfilling Heart & Soul: Meeting Psychological and Spiritual Needs with Conscience
N.S. Xavier, MD., Bloomington, IN:  Authorhouse, 2006,$26, $15 (paperback).

The unexamined life is not worth  living, as Socrates famously stated.  Dr. N. S. Xavier has a remedy. He has  given us a delightful book which can  serve as a primer for healthy examination leading to a full and meaningful  life. I had an “aha moment” right from  the beginning as I read the introduction of Fulfilling Heart & Soul, where  the author explains the difference  between conscience and the superego.  The conscience uses reason, fairness,  and compassion in guiding the individual toward right thinking and right  actions. The superego, on the other  hand, is that inner guide that is shaped  by family and society. There are times  when the superego may actually be in  conflict with the conscience if it arises  from an unhealthy family or social system. Racism and fanaticism are two  examples of unhealthy prompts from a  superego shaped by unhealthy societal  and religious traits.

The illumination continues with  the opening chapter where Dr. Xavier  demonstrates how Jesus helped others to get past their superego to make  use of their conscience. In the case in  which some men brought a woman  caught in adultery to Jesus, demanding that she be stoned, Jesus was able  to calmly diffuse the situation to allow  the men to cease from their unthinking legalistic reaction. He showed  them how to use their conscience to  bring fairness to the situation.  Dr. Xavier is from India and has  practiced psychiatry in Birmingham  for 29 years. He writes from a deep  understanding of religion and spirituality and presents a well-articulated view  of healthy psychology. In this text he  draws upon examples from literature,  various religious traditions, and historical figures as well as from his own  experiences as a psychiatrist to illustrate  healthy ways of meeting needs and  finding fulfillment, offering insights  from the likes of Lao-tze, Shakespeare,  Victor Hugo, Boris Pasternak, Albert  Camus, Jesus and the Buddha in order  to stop self-defeating habits and move  toward a healthy identity. There is also  an intriguing story of the ancient king  Asoka, who reassessed his life and legacy and was able to transform himself  and his society to one of equity and  fairness by embracing Buddhism and  its principles.

Writing with humor and clarity,  the author provides us with a practical guide for using the conscience in  making right choices and enjoying the  healthy pleasures of life. We are given  psychological insight that is accessible  to the layperson in matters ranging  from self esteem, relationships, and  sexuality to freedom and identity.  Stick-on tabs may come in handy to  mark particularly useful pages. There  is a page that lists ways to improve self  esteem and another that lists traits of  self-actualizing people. One chapter  has a table that compares healthy guilt  vs. unhealthy guilt and another table  contrasts authentic individuality with  egocentrism and dependency. We are  reminded also of the benefits of pleasure and the healthiness of laughter.  For those interested in spiritual practice, an appendix includes introductory information on meditation and  centering prayer.

There is advice in the book for  integrating past experiences in beneficial ways rather than being trapped  in unhealthy cycles. Fulfilling Heart &  Soul provides means for achieving forgiveness and reconciliation as well as  methods for finding hope. The author  consistently demonstrates how conscience can raise self-esteem in cases  where the superego may be causing  unhealthy guilt. Of course, professional help is recommended for anyone with issues or problems that are  beyond the scope of self examination. In the search for deeper meaning,  there is guidance for those in religious traditions as well as for those  who are more secular in their orientation. The modern spiritual pilgrim  will find affirmation in the concept of  using conscience to integrate scientific  knowledge with spiritual life. Whether  we are religious or secular in our orientation, we can live lives of superficiality  or we can find a deeper purpose. Self  examination and conscience can help  us to remove some of the spiritual and  psychological defenses that often keep  us from living at a deeper level.

Sigmund Freud gave us the concept  of the superego. N.S. Xavier has liberated the conscience from the superego  to give us method of examination for  individual growth and societal development. He writes with a frankness  and honesty not often seen in books  on spirituality, and offers a practical application of spiritual values not  always evident in self-help guides. We  are shown how to better understand  our own needs as well as others’ needs,  and then how to go about meeting  those needs in a healthy way. Fulfilling  Heart & Soul is a groundbreaking  work of insight that will encourage  the individual reader. It would also be  a dynamic study tool for small groups  or for courses in counseling, ethics, or  spirituality/religion. 

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