Christian Ethics Today

Index Issues 53-57 (2005-57)

Index to Authors/Subjects
Volume 11, Issues 53-57 (2005)

Note: A complete index of Issues 1-31 is printed in Issue 31 (December, 2000). An index of each year`s articles 2001-2005 are found in the December Issue of each year. A Compact Disc (CD) containing in Index of all Authors/Subjects for Volumes 1-11 (all issues 1985-2005) will be available in 2006.

Adams, Sheri: Myth: Baptists Don`t Believe In Women Pastors, 55, 23.
Baker, C. Truett: Fundamentalism Will Never Bring Peace, 53, 22.
Bert, Norman A.: I Learned My Ethics in Sunday School, 57, *.
Life After Schiavo, 55, 13.
Stem Cell Research: Debates and Divides, 54, 18.
The Terri Schiavo Case, 54, 19.
Book Reviews:
Beloved Community, (Marsh) 56, 30.
Beyond The Age Of Innocence: Rebuilding Trust Between America And The World, (Mahbubani) 55, 29.
Columns: Glimpses of a Seminary Under Assault, (Dilday) 53, 27.
Da Vinci Code Remedy: Two Recent Books:
The Mary Magdalene Tradition, (Hearon) 53, 29.
Mary Magdalene: The First Apostle, (Brock) 53, 29.
Ethics: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Volume 6, (Green-ed) 56, 29.
Fire In The Bedroll, (Anderson) 55, 29.
Fundamentalism, (Humphries and Wise) 57, *.
Kingdom Ethics, (Stassen and Gushee) 55, 27.
Pilgrimage of Faith: My Story, (Barnette) 57, *.
Rediscovering the Lord`s Prayer, (Simon) 57, *.
Whatsoever Things Are Lovely, (Valentine) 53, 27
Buff, Austin W.: Thou Shalt Not Kill, 53, 19.
Bunch, Wilton H.: Adam`s Rib, 55, 25.
Chancey, Mark: Coming Soon to a School Near You? 56, 18.
Christmas: Samuel`s Gift (Haralson), 57, *.
Mega-Church Burnout, 57, *.
Stealth Baptist Church, 55, 26.
Clark, Mark W.: Stealth Baptist Church, 55, 26.
Claypool, John: Memorial Service, 57, *.
Coe, Kevin: The President At Calvin College, 55, 11.
Is "Biblical Counseling" At SBTS Biblical? 56, 24.
Danaher, James P.: Communism, Capitalism, and Christian Community, 57, *.
Davis, Derek H.: The Ten Commandments and Public Piety: Jesus and Judge Roy Moore, 55, 8.
Domke, David: The President At Calvin College, 55, 11.
Durso, Pamela R.: The Faith of Mother Teresa, 54, 12.
Communism, Capitalism, and Christian Community, 57, *.
Wal-Mart and Human Dignity, 55, 17.
Coming Soon to a School Near You? 56, 18.
English, Adam C.:
A Greater Conspiracy Than The Da Vinci Code, 54, 27.
Book Review: Ethics: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Vol. 6,56, 29.
There Is No Tomorrow, 54, 8.
I Learned My Ethics in Sunday School, 57, *.
53, 3; 54, 3; 55, 10; 56, 4; 57, *
Another Atheist Finds God, 56, 15.
Evil and Suffering:
God and the Tsunami, 54, 4.
Lessons From Shadowland, 55, 2.
Lessons From A Hurricane, 57, *.
What Is God Doing About Evil? 56, 20.
Financial Report For 2004, 53, 31.
Fuller, James R.: The Terri Schiavo Case, 54, 19.
Fundamentalism: Will Never Bring Peace, 53, 22.
Antonin Scalia: Our Next Chief Justice? 54, 10.
Gad: A Prophet For Our Times, 54, 20.
Jesus Has Been Hijacked! 56, 13.
"Justice" Or "Just-Us" Sunday, 55, 12.
The President At Calvin College, 55, 11.
What Jesus Wouldn`t Do, 54, 14.
Grant, Ken A.: The Two Swords of Pope Benedict XVI, 55, 19.
Haralson, Hal:
"Dear Pops," 56, 28.
Lost . . . in Tulia, Texas, 55, 21.
Samuel`s Gift: A Christmas Story, 57, *.
The Parable of the Bowl of Soup-Part I, 53, 20.
The Parable of the Bowl of Soup-Part II, 54, 25.
Herron, Keith: Is "Biblical Counseling" At SBTS Biblical? 56, 24.
Holloway, Jeph:
Book Review: Kingdom Ethics, 55, 27.
The War of the Lamb: What Is God Doing About Evil? 56, 20.
Hope, Sherman A.: Terrorism, Religion, and War, 55, 14.
Hull, William E.:
John Claypool Memorial Service, 57, *.
God and the Tsunami, 54, 4.
Religion and the Global Crisis, 56, 6.
Islam: Religion and the Global Crisis, 56, 6.
Jacoby, Jeff: Responsa from the Rabbi, 53, 16.
Jesus` Resurrection:
A Greater Conspiracy Than The Da Vinci Code, 54, 27.
Kahoe, Richard D.: Gad: A Prophet For Our Times, 54, 20.
Kliesch, Milton W.: A Dad`s War Story, 54, 16.
Lambert, Zarrel V.: Reflections By An SBC Refugee, 53, 22.
Letters: We`ve Got Mail, 55, 3.
Long, Gregory J.: An Email From Iraq, 57, *.
Luke, Charles: Can Terrorism Alerts Make You Ill? 55, 16.
McSwain, Larry: Book Review: A Pilgrimage of Faith, 57, *.
Marsh, Charles: Dr. King`s Kitchen, 53, 8.
Miller, Dee:
Book Review: Fire In The Bedroll, 55, 29.
Lessons From A Hurricane, 57, *.
The Faith of Mother Teresa, 54, 12.
The Minister as a Star-Thrower, 53, 12.
Myth: Baptists Don`t Believe In Women Pastors, 55, 23.
A Tribute To My Grandfather, 54, 30.
Why Are We Here? 55, 4.
Morgan, Darold (Book Reviews):
The Beloved Community, 56, 30.
Beyond The Age Of Innocence, 55, 29.
Fundamentalism, 57, *.
Glimpses of a Seminary Under Assault, 53, 27.
Rediscovering the Lord`s Prayer, 57, *.
Whatsoever Things Are Lovely, 53, 27.
Moyers, Bill:
Jesus Has Been Hijacked! 56, 13.
There Is No Tomorrow, 54, 8.
Nicholson, Hugh: Is The War on Terror A Myth? 54, 17.
O`Brien, J. Randall: Pilgrim in a Racist Land, 53, 4.
Osiek, Carolyn: Mary Magdalene Book Reviews, 53, 29.
Barnes, Jerry, Dialogue With The Shepherd, 57, Cover.
Emmerling, Floyd: My King, 54, 28.
Fant, Jr.,Clyde E: Lamentations, 56, 2.
Langley, James A.: War and Peace, 54, 29.
Staggs, Al:
Caesar Est Kurios, 57, *.
Evolution Of Faith, 53, 17.
Feeling A Draft, 55,16.
How Did We Get Where We Are?, 57, *.
Breakfast at the Elite Café, 53, 2.
Dr. King`s Kitchen, 53, 8.
Pilgrim in a Racist Land, 53, 4.
Responsa from the Rabbi, 53, 16.
Rainey, Clint: Mega-Church Burnout, 57, *.
Reconciliation: The Power of, 54, 12.
Reid, David W.: Wal-Mart and Human Dignity, 55, 17.
Reeves, Jerry W.: A Very Long Shadow, 56, 27.
Ritter, Jr., R. Hal: Politics and Religion in America, 57, *.
Roman Catholic:
The Two Swords of Pope Benedict XVI, 55, 19.
A Very Long Shadow, 56, 27.
Rosell, Tarris D.:
Life After Schiavo, 55, 13.
Stem Cell Research: Debates and Divides, 54, 18.
Ryu, Jinyul: Another Korean War? 57, *.
Reflections By An SBC Refugee, 53, 22.
More Honest Churches Needed, 54, 23.
Scott, John: Another Atheist Finds God, 56, 15.
Swomley, John M.: Antonin Scalia: Our Next Chief Justice, 54, 10.
Teitloff, Jonathan: A Tribute To My Grandfather, 54, 30.
Ten Commandments:
The Contrasting Styles of Jesus and Judge Roy Moore, 55, 8.
Can Terrorism Alerts Make You Ill? 55, 16.
Terrorism, Religion, and War, 55, 14.
Trull, Joe E.:
Breakfast at the Elite Café-1963, 53, 2.
Lessons From Shadowland, 55, 2.
Tuck, William Powell: The Minister as a Star-Thrower, 53, 12.
Turner, William L.: Why Are We Here? 55, 4.
Valentine, Foy:
Good News; Bad News, 53, 30.
Happy Birthday! 54, 2.
Religious Freedom Award Remarks, 56, 31.
A Word On Words, 55, 31.
Vickery, Jeffrey D.: More Honest Churches Needed, 54, 23.
Walker, J. Brent: "Justice" Or "Just-Us" Sunday, 55, 12.
Wallis, Jim:
The Power of Reconciliation, 54, 13.
What Jesus Wouldn`t Do, 54, 14.
An Email From Iraq, 57, *.
Another Korean War, 57, *.
A Dad`s War Story, 54, 16.
Is The War on Terror A Myth? 54, 17.
Thou Shalt Not Kill, 53, 19.
Women: Adam`s Rib, 55, 25.
* Denotes an article in this issue of the Journal

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