Christian Ethics Today

Index Issues 63-67 (2007-67)

Christian Ethics Today

Index to Authors/Subjects Volume 13, Issues 63-67 (2007)

Note: A complete index of Issue 1-58 (1995-Winter 2006) is available on a Compact Disc (CD) for a donation of $25. The Index of Issues 1-31 (1995-2001) is also printed in Issue 31 (December 2000), and an Index of each year`s articles from 2001 to the present is found in the December issue of each year 2001 to the present.
Allen, Bob: Moratorium on Executions, 67, *.
Baptists: A Political Shift for Southern Baptists?, 65, 18.
Barnette, Helen: Our Son Defected: A Mother`s Plea, 63, 16.
Barnette, Henlee: Deacons and Deaconesses, 65, 12.
Bezner, Steve: Capital Punishment: A Pastoral Perspective, 64, 10.
Bread and Bibles, 64, 9.
Book Reviews:
Cheating Culture (Callahan), 66, 29.
Everyman (Roth), 63, 28.
Exiled (Kell), 63 29.
Faith and Politics (Danforth), 63, 28.
Faith in the Halls of Power (Lindsay), 67, 3.
Finally Feminist (Stackhouse), 67, *.
Four Books By Three Atheists (Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris) 65, 28.
Head and Heart: American Christianities (Wills), 67, *.
Higher Ground (Dilday), 64, 29.
Innocent Man (Grisham), 64, 30.
Myth of a Christian Nation (Boyd), 66, 28.
Noah`s Other Son (Brown), 67, *.
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid (Carter), 64, 28.
The Road (McCarthy), 66, 30.
Speaking My Mind (Campolo), 64, 29.
Who Really Cares? (Brooks), 63, 29.
World is Flat (Friedman), 65, 31.
Brown, Allyson: The Interaction Between Ethics and Moral Behavior, 64, 22.
Capital Punishment:
Death By Hanging Is Way Too Easy!, 63, 24.
Capital Punishment: A Pastoral Perspective, 64, 10.
Moratorium on Executions, 67, *.
My History With The Rope, 63, 23.
Christian Ethics: One Thing Thou Lackest!, 63, 2.
Christian Zionism: An Oxymoron, 66, 20.
Christmas Magic and Miracle, 67, 3.
Just a Simple Nativity-Like the Original, 67, 5.
Cole, Ben: If We`re Rick Warren`s Friends, 63, 15.
Deacons and Deaconesses, 65, 12.
Edwards, Carolyn: A Post-1 Timothy-2 Woman, 65, 20.
Old-Fashioned Creation Care, 67, 6.
As It Was In the Days of Noah: Global Warming, 67, *.
Interaction Between Ethics and Moral Behavior, 64, 22.
A Theology (and Ethic) for Radical Believers, 65, 14.
EthixBytes: 63, 3; 64, 4; 65, 2; 66, 3; 67, 4.
Evangelicals: Evangelicals on the Left?, 64, 15.
Evans, James L.: A Political Shift for Southern Baptists?, 65, 18.
Evil: What Is God Doing About Evil?, 64, 16.
Fanning, Buckner: Bread and Bibles, 64, 9.
Financial Report for 2006, 63, 31.
Flowers, David D.:
John Calvin 3:16-21, 64, 24.
Romans 13: The Patriotic Version, 65, 8.
Freedom: The Meaning of Freedom, 63, 5.
Freeman, Curtis W.: A Theology (and Ethic) for Radical Believers, 65, 14.
Gaffney, James: Remembering: Yad Vashem and Ramallah, 66, 13.
Gideons: Confessions of a Whistle-Blower, 67, *.
Government: Romans 13: The Patriotic Version, 65, 8.
Government and Religious Freedom: On Asking Too Much, 64, 13.
Griffin, William: A Pious Proposal: The F Word vs. the J Word, 66, 4.
Gushee, David: Old-Fashioned Creation Care, 67, 6.

Hodges, Sam: The Woman Was Right, 64, 21.
Holloway, Jeph:
What Is God Doing About Evil?, 64, 16.
What`s to Become of Us? The Posthuman Person, 67, *.
Hull, William E.: Let Them Grow Together, 64, 5.
Humphreys, Fisher: Original Sin and Limbo, 65, 23.
Jewish and Palestinian Relations: Remembering Yad Vashem and Ramallah, 66, 13.
Kahoe, Richard.: Confessions of a Whistle-Blower, 67, *.
Langley, James A.: Blessed Bread, 64, 31.
Letters From Our Readers: 63, 4.
McGathy, Charles P.:
As It Was In the Days of Noah, 67, *.
The Day I Knew We Had Lost The War, 66, 6.
Jus Post Bellum in Iraq, 66, 6.
Malotky, Daniel: A Presidential Apology?, 65, 13.
Marlette, Doug: Requim for a Cartoonist, 66, 22.
Marty, Martin E.: Torture Then and Now, 67, *.
A Pious Proposal: The F Word vs. the J Word, 66, 4.
On Journalism and Democracy (Interview Moyers), 66, 10.
Tetzel and the TV Evangelists, 67, *.
Ministry: Ethics in Ministry: 66, 16.
Moody, Dwight. Just a Simple Nativity, 67, 5.
Moorhead, Michael (Book Review): The Road, 66, 30.
Morgan, Darold H.(Book Reviews):
Cheating Culture, 66 28.
Faith and Politics, 63, 28.
Faith in the Halls of Power, 67, *.
Everyman, 63, 28.
Myth of a Christian Nation, 66, 28.
Noah`s Other Son, 67, *.
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid, 64, 28.
Speaking My Mind, 64, 29.
Movie Reviews: Christian Ethics and the Movies
Biomedical Ethics: The Constant Gardner, 63, 26.
Globalism: Babel, 66, 24.
Good and Evil: Children of Men, 65, 25.
Human Corruption: The Departed, 66, 24.
Movies and TV: The Queen, 65, 25.
Multicultural Reconciliation: Freedom Writers, 66, 24.
Social Reform: Amazing Grace, 64, 26.
War: Flags of Our Fathers, 64, 25; Letters From Iwo Jima, 64, 25;
No End in Sight, 67, *; A Mighty Heart, 67, *.
Moyers, Bill:
Interview with Bill Moyers, 66,10.
The Meaning of Freedom, 63, 5.
Parham, Robert: Remembering Herb Reynolds, 65, 3.
Patterson, Burton H.:
(Book Review) Higher Ground, 64, 29.
Confessions of a (Sinful) Father), 65, 22.
Langley, James A. Blessed Bread, 64 31.
Staggs, Al:
A Train Going the Wrong Way, 66, 31.
Rich Folk and the Family of Lazerus, 67, *.
A Presidential Apology?, 65, 13.
Recreation: Camping Theology: Panentheistic Meditations, 65, 19.
Religious Liberty:
Americans Ignorant about First Amendment Rights, 67, *.
What God Has Put Asunder, 65, 9.
Remembering Herb Reynolds, 65, 3.
Rossell, Tarris D.: Camping Theology, 65, 19.
Sapp, David: Ethics in Ministry, 66, 16.
Scott, John: (Book Reviews):
Four Books By Three Atheists, 65, 28.
Who Really Cares?-America`s Charity Divide, 63, 29.
Self, William L.: What God Has Put Asunder, 65, 9.
Sin: Original Sin and Limbo, 65, 23.
Social Justice: Faith and Social Justice, 66, 2.
Sports: Winning At Any Cost?, 66, 21.
Stackhouse, John G.: Evangelicals on the Left?, 64, 15.
Staggs, Al:
Pretending We`re Iraqis, 63, 21.
Rich Folk and the Family of Lazerus, 67, *.
Train Going the Wrong Way (Poetry), 66, 31.
Sterling, Scott A. A Christian Warrior`s Code?, 63, 13.
Students: If I Were 21 Again, 65, 4.
Tatoos: The Temple and Tatoos, 66, 15.
Thomas, David A. (Movie Reviews): 63, 26; 64, 25-26; 65, 25; 66, 24, 67. *.
Toleration: Let Them Grow Together, 64, 5.
Towery, Britt:
Christian Zionism: An Oxymoron, 66, 20.
Tetzel and TV Evangelists, 67, *.
Trull, Audra E.:(Book Review) Innocent Man, 64, 30.
Trull, Joe E.:
Cancer Saved Your Life! 64, 3.
If I Were 21 Again, 65, 4.
One Thing Thou Lackest, 63, 2.
Trull, Molly: The Temple and Tatoos, 66, 15.
Valentine, Foy. Christmas Magic and Miracle, 67, 3.
Verghese, Abraham: My History With the Rope 63, 23.
Wallis, Jim: Faith and Social Justice, 66, 2.
A Christian Warrior`s Code, 63, 13.
The Day I Knew We Had Lost the War, 66, 6.
Jus Post Bellum in Iraq, 66, 6.
Our Son Defected: A Mother`s Plea, 63,16.
Pretending We`re Iraqis, 63, 21.
Torture Then and Now, 67, *.
Warren, Rick: If We`re Rick Warren`s Friends 63, 15.
We`ve Got Mail: Letters From Our Readers, 63, 4.
Wilkey, Don: Winning At Any Cost?, 66, 21.
Confessions of a (Sinful) Father, 65, 22.
Junia (Rom. 16:7), 64, 21.
A Post 1 Timothy-2 Woman, 65, 20.
York, Tripp:
Death By Hanging Is Way Too Easy! 63, 24.
On Asking Too Much, 64, 13.

*Denotes an article in this issue of the Journal.

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