Christian Ethics Today

Index Issues 73-76 (2009-76)

 Index to Authors/Subjects  Volume 15, Issues 73-76 (2009) 

Note: A complete index of Issues 1-58 (1995-Winter, 2006) is available on Compact Disc (CD) for a donation of $50. The index of Issues 1-31 is also printed in Issue 31 (December, 2000), and an Index of each year’s articles from 2000 to the present is found in the last issue of each year 2001 to the present. 



            Can We Find Common Ground?, 73, 11.

            The Subtle Atheism of Being Pro-Life, 76, *.

            When Does Human Life Begin?, 75, 4.


            America’s Never Been a Christian Nation, 75, 10.

            The Constitutional Convention, 75, 9.

            How To Save America, 75, 11.

            A Time to Rebuild America, 74, 18.

            Virginia and Religious Freedom, 75, 10.


      Baptists: Love Beyond Your Theology, 76, 5.


            Theology in the Service of the Church (Fisher Humphreys), 74, 10.

            Words From Walter Rauschenbusch, 74, 14.

            Foy Dan Valentine: Helping Changed People Change the World, 76, *.

      Book Reviews:

            Abortion, Execution, and . . . Taking a Life, 76, *.

            Baptist Theology, 74, 29.

            The Baptist Story, 74, 29.

            Does Ethics Have A Chance? , 73, 26.

            The Faith of Barack Obama, 73, 26.

            Finding God in The Shack, 76, *.

            Harbingers of Hope, 75, 29.

            Hot, Flat, and Crowded, 73, 27.

            Life and Death Matters, 75, 30.

            A Pilgrim in Rome, 73, 30.

            Preaching and Professing, 75, 29.

            Quitting Church, 74, 30.

            Retrieving the Natural Law, 76, *.

            The Rising of Bread for the World, 76, *.

            Strategic Preaching, 75, 29.

            Twentieth-Century Shapers of Baptist Social Ethics, 76, *.

            W.H. Whitsett, 74, 29.

            Zion’s Christian Soldiers, 75, 29.

      Brattston, David W.: Early Christian Opposition to War, 75, 21.

      Burleson, Wade: Love Beyond Your Theology, 76, 5.


      Campolo, Tony: Can We Find Common Ground On Abortion?, 73, 11.

      Church: Good Neighbor and Bad, 75, 17.

      Corts, Thomas E.: Theology in the Service of the Church, 74, 10.


      Death: “When Death Becomes Birth,” 73, 2.

      Disney, Lindsay: When Does Human Life Begin?, 75, 4.

      Downie, Alison: (Movie Rev.), 74, 24.

      Dreher, Rod: What I Wish I’d Heard at Graduation, 75, 8.

      Duley, Tom: The Church: Good Neighbor and Bad, 75, 17.

      Dunn, James: God and Politics, 73, 9.



            Why Aren’t You Drinking From the Tap?, 76, *.

            Evangelicals and the Environment, 74, 13.


            Fraud in Academia, 75, 24.

            What I Wish I’d Heard at Graduation, 75, 8.

      Ethics: Two Essays on Kingdom Ethics, 76, *.

      EthixBytes: 73, 3; 74, 4; 75, 2; 76, 2.

      Evangelicalism: The Coming Evangelical Collapse, 74, 21.


      Financial Report for 2008, 73, 31.

      Flynn, Robert: (Bk. Rev.), 73, 30.

      Fortune, Marie M.:

            Is the Gospel of “More Sex” Really Good News? 73, 15.

            Southern Baptists: Yes, but…, 74, 20.


      George, Timothy: Rick’n Jesus, 74, 9.

      Gourley, Bruce: Hating Others, Loving Self, 75, 25.

      Grady, J. Lee: Breaking Up the Good Ole Boys Club, 76, *.

      Guildford, John: Why Aren’t You Drinking From the Tap?,76, *.

      Gun Control: Would Jesus Carry a Gun to Church? , 74, 12.

      Gushee, David: Bonhoeffer, Torture, and America. 76, *.


      Harper, Mike: The Church: Good Neighbor and Bad, 75, 17.

      Health Care Reform—We Need It!, 76, 5.

      Herron, Keith:

             America’s Never Been a Christian Nation, 75, 10.

            Show Me A Coin, 76, *.

      Homosexuality: Talking Points for a Tough Issue, 75, 20.

      Hope, Sherman, M.D.: Health Care Reform, 76, 5.

      Humor: A Simple Prayer to …, 74, 23.

      Humphreys, Fisher (Bk. Rev.s):

            Harbingers of Hope, 75, 29.

            Life and Death Matters, 75, 30.


      King, Martin Luther, Jr.: Letter From a Birmingham Jail, 73, 4.

      Knox, Marv: Torture, Life, and Moral Constancy, 75, 16.


      Langley, James A.: The Peril of Avarice, 74, 31.

      LGBT Pastoral Ethics in a Baptist Tradition, 76, *.

      Letters From Our Readers, 74, 5; 75, 26.

      Love: Hating Others, Loving Self?,75, 25.


      McCollum, David: Obama’s Peter Moment, 73, 10.

      Making Moral Decisions—An Artful Ability, 74, 6.

      Marty, Martin E.:

            Evangelicals and the Environment, 74, 13.

            Reflections on the Presidential Election, 73, 8.

            Virginia and Religious Freedom, 75, 11.

      Miller, Calvin:

            A Visit to the Monastery of St. Thaddeus, 75, 3.

            A New Friend With the Gift of Healing, 76, 4.


            Diary of a Young Pastor, 73, 12.

            Going, Staying, and Leaving, 73, 16.

            LGBT Pastoral Ethics in a Baptist Tradition, 76, *.

            A New Friend With the Gift of Healing, 76, 4.

            Rick’n Jesus, 74, 9.

            A Visit to the Monastery of St. Thaddeus, 75, 3.

      Morgan, Darold (Bk Rev.s):

            Baptist Theology—A Four Century Study, 74, 29.

            The Faith of Barack Obama, 73, 26.

            Finding God in The Shack, 76, *.

            Hot, Flat, and Crowded, 73, 27.

            Preaching and Professing, 75, 29.

            The Rising of Bread for the World, 76, *.

            In Search of the New Testament Church—The Baptist Story, 74, 29.

            Strategic Preaching, 75, 29.

            W.H. Whitsett—The Man and the Controversy, 74, 29.

      Movie Reviews:

            Defiance, 74, 26.

            Doubt, 73, 22.

            Fireproof, 74, 28.

            Frost/Nixon, 73, 22.

            Grand Torino, 73, 23.

            The Reader, 75, 27.

            Slumdog Millionaire, 74, 24, 25.

      Myerson, Harold: Fair and Balanced, 74, 19.


      Norris, Glen (Bk. Rev.): Quitting Church, 74, 30.


      Patterson, Burton: A Matter of Ministerial Ethics, 73, 16.

      Pierard, Richard V.: Evangelicals and Torture, 75, 15.


            Discomforting Worship, 73, 29.

            A Franciscan Benediction, 73, 28.

            Living Words, 74, 3.

            The Peril of Avarice, 74, 31.

            The Vicar of Bray, 75, 31.


            Change Comes Slowly But Surely, 73, 7.

            Fair and Balanced, 74, 19.

            God and Politics, 73, 9.

            Obama’s Peter Moment, 73, 10.

            Reflections on the Presidential Election, 73, 8.

            Show Me A Coin, 76, *.

      Poston, Larry: When Does Human Life Begin?, 75, 4.


      Race: Letter From a Birmingham Jail, 73, 4.

      Reed, Charles: A Time to Rebuild America, 74, 18.

      Religion: An Atheist and a Minister . . , 73, 21.


      Sanders, Cody: LGBT Pastoral Ethics in a Baptist Tradition, 76, *.

      Sapp, David: Foy Dan Valentine: . . , 76, *.

      Self, Monty: (Bk. Rev.s)

            Does Ethics Have a Chance? , 73, 26.

            Retrieving the Natural Law, 76, *.

      Setzer, Bob, Jr.: Talking Points for a Tough Issue, 75, 20.

      Sexual Ethics: Is the Gospel of “More Sex” Really Good News? , 73, 15.

      Southern Baptists: Yes, but…, 74, 20.

      Smith, Drew: Would Jesus Carry a Gun to Church?, 74, 12.

      Spencer, Michael: The Coming Evangelical Collapse, 74, 21.

      Staggs, Al: Words From Walter Rauschenbusch, 74, 14.


      Thomas, David A. (Movie Rev.s): 73, 22-23; 74, 25-28; 75, 27.

      Thomason, Todd: An Atheist and a Minister . . , 73, 21.


            Bonhoeffer, Torture, and America, 76, *.

            Evangelicals and Torture, 75, 15.

            Torture, Life and Moral Constancy, 75, 16.

      Towery, Britt:

            Change Comes Slowly But Surely, 73, 7.

            How To Save America, 75, 11.

      Trull, Joe E.:

            Making Moral Decisions—An Artful Ability, 74, 6.

            Red Letter Christianity, 76, 2.

            When Death Becomes Birth, 73, 2.

      Truth, Sojourner: “Ain’t I A Woman?” , 75, 13.


      War: Early Christian Opposition to, 75, 21.

      Whitten, Mark: The Constitutional Convention, 75, 9.

      Wilkey, Don: Diary of a Young Pastor, 73, 12.

      Williams, Walter E.: Fraud in Academia, 75, 24.


            Breaking Up the Good Ole Boys Club, 76, *.

            Sojourner Truth: “Ain’t I A Woman?”, 75, 13.


      York, Tripp:

            A Simple Prayer to the…, 74, 23.

            The Subtle Atheism of Being Pro-Life, 76, *.

*Denotes an article in this Issue 76 of the Journal.


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