Christian Ethics Today

Letter to the Editor

Letter to Editor

Pat, for almost 25 years now I have enjoyed reading every issue of Christian Ethics Today. I wish every person in America could read it. Keep up your good work. Continued good wishes.

Dr. Anderson, I just read the opening article in the Spring 2016 issue by professor Sider….and I must say I was quite disappointed…The article was nothing more than a commercial for Hillary Clinton…God does not use the same criteria that we do in choosing people to serve Him. Mr. Trump may be one of those He would choose. I have no doubt that Mrs. Clinton is not….I would hope that in the future…you would only print articles that lead us to use the Bible as our guide in making decisions…Please don’t use this magazine as a political platform for candidates that go against what God teaches. Sincerely,

I appreciate Christian Ethics Today. I share it with others in my church. Your articles give insight into issues which I don’t get elsewhere. Thanks. Fort Collins, CO

I lean to the right of your positions, but find most articles stimulating. Sincerely. Poncha Springs, CO

Christian Ethics Today is the only thing that keeps me “sane” in this political season. Tallahassee, FL Dear Editor Anderson: On page 23 of your Spring 2016 issue, you requested people to let you know if they enjoy receiving the periodical…. We so enjoy receiving Christian Ethics Today. It’s a pleasure to tell you so… Cordially Yours, Library Director, Covenant Theological Seminary. Thank you for the good work you do. Rosenberg, TX

Dear Friends: I am currently being held on Death Row at Parchman… I am writing you today to let you know how much your magazine means to us here on The Row. I pass it around and it rarely fails to produce a quality discussion. Thank you… I would like to continue to receive Christian Ethics Today. I am sorry I do not have any money to contribute at this time.

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