Christian Ethics Today

Living Words

Living Words

By Myra Wise Norton, Doug Wise, and Fisher Wise
For our father, Philip Wise (1949-2009)

My smile cracks in the corners of your mouth
Your words form in mine
I know they are your words when I speak them
I smile because they are what I meant

Your words will always be with me—a part of who I am
They show me who I want to be, and push me to do the things I can
Your words had the force of action—you always did what you said
You had so many words for me—words I’ve heard and words I’ve read

Your words remind me who to be tonight
“Do what’s right,” you said
Your words were how you lived your life
Your words said stand up for what is right-even if you stand alone
Sometimes you stood alone; and your words weren’t always right
But sometimes, after you’d thought a while,
Your words would see the light
But you lived your faith and you lived your words,
And that‘s the person I want to be tonight

In so many words, and in so many ways you taught me to deal with so many tests
Your words taught me to win, to brook no pessimism, and to always do my best
Your words said lead with actions, and to play when my work was through
Your words left no doubt that I should lead because you knew I needed to.
Your words said leadership requires no status; that leaders simply do
 And when the time comes for you to follow—do that with humility too

People trusted your words because your wisdom was understood
You preached a thousand Sundays, making your thoughts plain to those you could
You taught me that “there is art in clarity”
And your words were crystal clear:
Treat all people with dignity and respect;
Stand up for those in fear;
Take responsibility for your actions—and try to make things right
Have enough humility to let people live how they live
And above all, love and forgive, and forgive, and forgive

You asked the hard questions and gave honest answers
You had words for everyone so you could talk with anyone
Intellectuals and the religious, atheists, farmers sponsors of business
No one was above or beneath you,
“But remember there’s always someone better,” you said
You never gave up on me, no matter what I did, or where I was led
no matter how I embarrassed you or our family, the hell I put you through
You were always there, you were always there, and that I always knew
Your love was unconditional and undeserved, always strong and true
I learned about God’s love from your love, I know God because I know you

My smile cracks in the corners of your mouth
Your words form in mine
I know they are your words when I speak them
I smile because they are what I meant

Note: Philip Wise served as Chair of the Board of Directors of Christian Ethics Today from 2006 until his death March 30, 2009. We already miss his wise leadership and supportive words.           JET


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