Christian Ethics Today

More Than Houses

A Book Review
By Dennis Bender

More Than Houses
By Millard Fuller

[Dennis Bender is Director of Communications for Habitat for humanity International, Americus, Georgia]

Since 1976, Habitat for Humanity International and its many local affiliates have worked long and hard to tackle one of the world`s greatest problems–poverty housing and homelessness.

The success of their efforts is being told through the words and the lives of hundreds of thousands of people touched by this worldwide Christian housing ministry.

More than Houses, the new book by Habitat for Humanity president Millard Fuller, shares the personal stories of lives and neighborhoods being transformed by the organization he and his wife Linda founded 23 years ago. Through the most basic of human needs–a simple, decent affordable place in which to live–Habitat helps people with little or no hope develop a bright, new future.

Fuller tells the true stories of children who gained identity, confidence, and academic success after moving into the "houses that love built." Of families made stronger and healthier and of prison inmates who are now giving back to their communities. Of entire neighborhoods united by hard work and mutual respect. Of denominational, political, and racial barriers falling with every swing of the hammer. Of the giving hearts of young people engaged in the quest to end poverty housing and of amazing spiritual transformations.

More than Houses chronicles the transformation of lives, communities and families–one person, one home at a time. These heartwarming revelations stand as a testament of love in action and the fulfillment of the hopes of Habitat supporters around the world–to build more than houses.

"What Habitat does is much more than just sheltering people," Fuller said. "It`s what it does for people on the inside. It`s that intangible quality of hope. Many people without decent housing consider themselves life`s losers. A Habitat house is the first victory they may have ever had. And it changes them."

The book, released in August by Word Publishing, is available from many retail booksellers or from Habitat for Humanity International`s order department by calling (800) 422-5914.

It is the seventh book written by Fuller. Among his previous titles is Theology of the Hammer, the compelling, ecumenical explanation of how Habitat brings together a wide diversity of people, churches, and other organizations to build houses for people of all races, religions, and backgrounds and in the process to establish viable and dynamic communities. Other books by Fuller include A Simple, Decent Place to Live, The Excitement Is Building, co-authored with his wife Linda, Love in the Mortar Joints, No More Shacks! and Bokotola.

Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry. Habitat seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world, and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. Habitat invites people from all walks of life to work together in partnership to help build houses with families in need. Habitat has built more than 80,000 houses around the world, providing some 400,000 people in more than 2,000 communities with safe, decent, affordable shelter.

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