Christian Ethics Today

Pastor Search Committee

Pastor Search Committee
By Kathryn Nutt Shamburger

[Kathryn Shamburger has contributed previously to Christian Ethics Today. She lives in Tyler, Texas.]

We are looking for a preacher
But we first must meet his wife.
Is she overweight or skinny?
Does she eat peas with her knife?
Does she cook and scrub and nurture
Is she thrifty-self denying?
Does she spend much on her hair?
Is her clothing always modest?
Get to every place on time?
Does she sing and play piano?
Do chalk-talk and pantomim
Kind to everyone she sees?
Does she visit all the shut-ins?
Spend much time upon her knees?
Is she very civic minded?
Volunteer for this and that?
Is she absolutely neutral
In a congregation spat?
We are looking for a preacher
But we first must meet his wife.
`Cause the way these preachers stay on
We could have them both for life!.

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