Christian Ethics Today

Red Letter Christians

Book Reviewed by Michelle D. Basich,
Ventura, CA.

Red Letter Christians
Tony Campolo, Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 2008.

Over the past couple of decades,  evangelical Christians have been  associated with the religious right and  the most conservative positions of the  Republican Party. Rebelling against  this designation are those who prefer to  be called Red Letter Christians, desiring to live out the red letters of Jesus’  words in the New Testament. Believing  that Jesus is neither a Republican nor  a Democrat, these individuals transcend partisan politics and concentrate  on issues viewed critically through a  moral and biblical lens.

Into this arena of thought steps  Tony Campolo, the powerful evangelist known for his passionate and  prophetic sharing of the radical message of Jesus. In Red Letter Christians, Campolo examines many of the  hot-button issues facing evangelicals  from the perspective of Jesus’ red-letter words in the Bible. These include  the environment, war, the AIDS crisis, Palestine, education, gun control,  the role of government and choosing  the right kind of candidate. No matter  where you fall on the political spectrum, Campolo will make you think  and pray and act.

In Red Letter Christians, readers  will discover:
• Why no political party has the    corner on truth
• A Red Letter Christians’ voting    guide
• Why Christians should avoid being tied to a political party
• The problem of partisan politics
• The importance of being  politically active
• Why being an evangelical does not mean you’re a conservative Republican

Campolo is professor emeritus of  Sociology at Eastern University in  St. Davids, Pennsylvania, founder of  the Evangelical Association for the  Promotion of Education (EAPE),  Associate Pastor of the Mount Carmel  Baptist Church in West Philadelphia,  and author of 35 books.

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