Christian Ethics Today

The Dragonfly

The Dragonfly
by Kenneth Chafin

Dr. Kenneth Chafin is alive and well having recently moved to Houston. Before retirement he had taught evangelism and preaching at Southwestern and then at Southern Baptist seminaries. He has been pastor of South Main Baptist Church in Houston and of Walnut Street Baptist Church in Louisville.

As she settles softly
on my knee
I feel chosen.

Most of her life,
like my own,
goes by unnoticed.

Hers, in creeks
and ponds-finding
food, shedding skins,
escaping predators.
Mine, the same,
just different arenas.

Her ancestors flew
millions of years
before birds dreamed
of wings or the gods
thought Orville or Wilbur.

Just look at her.
Three hundred sixty
degree vision, wings
operating independently,
technology the Pentagon
would shell out millions for.

I want her to fly away
and lay batches of eggs
before we drain the ponds or
pollute the streams with our progress.

Then, ages from now,
such an iridescent creature
may land on a child`s
outstretched hand
and fill its heart
with wonder..

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