Christian Ethics Today

Watching the World Go By … Foy`s Introduction

Watching the World Go By
By Ralph Lynn

When I went to Baylor, barely turned 17, inordinately full of vinegar, and craving knowledge, I triple majored (in Bible, English, and Speech — plus GIRLS, especially GIRLS.) I also wanted — really, really wanted — majors as well in Geology, Sociology, and History. Especially History. All good historians seem to me to know so much that everyday mortals should be always in awe in their presence because they know so much about so many things. They all seem to me to be sages. Ralph Lynn is such a man. A sage and a seer. A native Texan now living in Waco with his wife, Barbara, he holds the Ph. D. degree from the University of Wisconsin. He taught Modern European history at Baylor from 1946 until his recent retirement. He is a regular contributor to the Waco Tribune- Herald for whom he originally prepared the material that follows in this issue of CHRISTIAN ETHICS TODAY. It appears here in somewhat revised form. Out of a lifetime of common sense observation, study, military service, business experience, and teaching, he writes trenchant observations about the passing scene. We expect shortly to be hearing more along these lines from Dr. Lynn.

Foy Valentine

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