Christian Ethics Today

What Counts is the New Creation

What Counts is the New Creation
By Mimi Haddad

  Do you find it curious that some  Christians seem entirely focused  on gender differences? Have you also  noticed that this is rarely the posture of Scripture? The Bible emphasizes  our similarities as God’s covenant  people, despite gender, class, or ethnicity. What we share in Christ far overshadows differences of skin color,  class, or gender. What are the things  we share as believers? According to  Scripture men and women are equally created in God’s image and given  equal dominion in Eden. Men and  women are equally responsible for  and distorted by sin. Thankfully, men  and women are also equally redeemed  in Christ, gifted by the Holy Spirit,  and included in the new covenant  community–where they are also held  equally responsible for using their  spiritual gifts to advance Christ’s  kingdom. Finally, men and women  are equally called to imitate the life of  Christ in selfless service to the world.  By making these observations, we do  not deny that there are differences  between men and women. It’s just  that these differences do not eclipse  our calling (and shared authority) as  God’s people.

    It is worth repeating: no one wishes  to deny gender differences. However,  to suggest these differences overshadow our oneness in Jesus is not biblical!  God has created the world abounding in rich diversity, with men and  women of many cultures, languages,  and experiences. That which God  created as beautiful has been used as  the means of domination by sinful  people. Yet, in the new covenant, our  mutuality in Jesus weaves us together  so that gender and ethnic differences no longer estrange or oppress but  rather become the means of reflecting  God’s presence, forgiveness, and love  to the world.

    When Paul said that there “is no  longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer  male and female; for all of you are  one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28), he  reveals sin’s lost grip on the redeemed.  Paul spoke these words to a culture in  which one’s class, gender, and ethnicity determined one’s value, status, and  sphere of influence. Some insist that  Galatians 3:28 speaks only of access  to Christ, or salvation. But remember,  Paul sent these words to a believing  church that was divided over whether  Christians should observe Jewish law  (Gal. 2:11&ff ). This passage concerns church life and practice, to be  lived by kingdom values, not cultural  prejudices.

    Notice how Paul places the ethos  of the new covenant above the gender and cultural norms of his day.  As Gordon Fee notes, Paul tells  Philemon to receive Onesimus as a  brother (Philem. 16) and with these  words Paul allows kingdom values to  take precedence over cultural expectations  for slaves, pointing to the fact that the  world as we know it is passing away  (1 Cor. 2:6, 1 Cor. 7:31).

    In the same way, Paul asks husbands and wives to share authority  in marriage (1 Cor. 7:3-4). In fact,  all Christians are to submit to one  another (Eph. 5:21). In the same  breath Paul also places additional  responsibility on husbands, asking  them to love their wives as they love  their own bodies–a new request for  first-century men! Taking it one step  further, Paul requires husbands to  love their wives as Christ loved the  church, denying even their own lives  if needed.

    How radical this must have seemed  to first-century people. Remember,  husbands held ultimate authority  over their household. As such, husbands could require the sacrifice (even  the very lives) of their slaves and also  their wives. Paul now asks husbands  to give their own lives as sacrifice for  their wives–a complete reframing of  gender, class, and authority. A new  Christian culture was forming! Paul  even writes that the free are now slaves  and the slaves are now free (1 Cor.  7:21-22).

    Of course, Paul asks women to submit voluntarily to the loving sacrifice of their spouses (Eph. 5:22), but  isn’t this the same thing as asking for  mutual submission among Christians  (Eph. 5:21)? Yet, the burden of sacrificial love is placed squarely on the  shoulders of those who held cultural  authority—men. Husbands are those  whom Paul primarily addresses, asking them to live out kingdom values,  reminding them not to be deceived  by temporal authority, for this world  in its present shape is passing away (1  Cor. 2:6, 1 Cor. 7:31). The gospel is  radical medicine for a world divided  by ethnicity, gender, and class, a world  that, like ours today, emphasizes these  differences in order to maintain divisions and inequities.  

 Dr. Mimi Haddad is president of  Christians for Biblical Equality. This  essay was first published in Arise  Newsletter, reprinted with permission. 

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