Christian Ethics Today

Will We March with the World`s Children? Understanding Children`s Rights through Michael Walzer

Will We March with the World’s Children? 
Understanding Children’s Rights through Michael Walzer

by Laura M. Rector

   In Thick and Thin, Michael Walzer argues that, “Moral terms have minimal and maximal meanings; we can standardly give thin and thick accounts of them, and the two accounts are appropriate to different contexts, serve different purposes.” (accessed December 29, 2017). (accessed December 29, 2017). (accessed December 29, 2017). (accessed December 29, 2017) and Michael Farris, “Nannies in Blue Berets: Understanding the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child,” Home School Legal Defense Association, (accessed December 29, 2017). The Right fears that children will be viewing pornography, but fails to acknowledge that the CRC protects children from sexual exploitation in Article 34. They fear losing a home school system, but fail to recognize that many children do not receive any education mdash; something the CRC names a human right in Article 28.  They fear losing their homes, but the reality is that many children do not have homes or even documented names, creating the need for Articles 7-8, etc. (accessed December 29, 2017). (accessed December 29, 2017). (accessed December 29, 2017) (accessed December 29, 2017).