Christian Ethics Today

Woman`s World

Woman`s World
By Judy Haralson

[Judy Haralson is a psychotherapist living in Austin, Texas]

My world is made up of Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays
Washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning, churching
Mending clothes, turning down radios, wiping noses and bottoms
Answering telephones and door bells
Letting dogs in and letting dogs out
Taking children to and bringing children from
Fixing food, making beds, mopping floors
Rejoicing, crying, listening

Rejoicing with Jill when her cat has kittens
Crying with Brad when his kite string breaks
Listening to David`s tales of Sesame Street

I must communicate with my husband
Share with my neighbors
Empathize with my friends
Organize myself, my home, my children, my husband, the women at the church
On and on, endlessly, my world goes

Then Jesus steps into the uttermost parts of my world and speaks
He speaks through little mouths, teary eyes, hurt looks
He speaks through closed doors, trusting hands, unuttered wishes
He speaks through David as we make a cake
"Me help, Mommy, me help"

"David, if you wouldn`t help so much I could get it done a lot better, in half the time"
Then I listen as the great God says to me
"Judy, if you just wouldn`t help so much I could get it done
better, in half the time"

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