Financial Report for 2003

From the inception of Christian Ethics Today in 1995, the Journal has been sent free of charge to anyone requesting it. The annual cost of about $25-30 per subscription for over 3200 readers is underwritten by the voluntary contributions of supportive individuals and churches.

During last year, 504 contributions (an increase of 50 over 2002) were given totaling $67,894. These gifts ranged from $10 to $1500, with one challenge gift of $5000, completing the $15,000 matching gift offer in 2002. The majority of supporters sent $25 to $30, which paid for their subscription.

Our heartfelt gratitude to every person or church who supported the ministry of Christian Ethics Today in 2003. Without each of you, the Journal could not continue. Because of your support we are able to send the Journal to hundreds of students, colleges, seminaries, and churches.

Special Thanks to the "Valentine Supporters"
Our special gratitude to those supporters who have honored the dream of our founding editor Foy Valentine by providing major support of $1000 or more in 2003:

Dr. Jimmy Allen, Big Canoe, GA
Bill Moyers, New York, NY

Patricia Ayers, Austin TX
Northminster Baptist Church, Jackson, MS

Dr. Truett Baker, Branson, MO
Dr. Ralph Ramsey III, Lubbock, TX

C. T. Sparkey Beckham, Dallas, TX
Dr. Herb Reynolds, Waco, TX

Van C. and Lou Morton Ellis, Dallas, TX
John Scott, Dallas, TX

Mrs. B. E. Herod, Navasota, TX
David M. Smith, Houston, TX

Dr. Jeph Holloway, Marshall, TX
Robert L. Stevenson, Oklahoma City, OK

Janie and Noble Hurley Foundation, Dallas
Trinity Baptist, San Antonio, TX

Dr. Donald and Patsy Meier, El Paso, TX
Dr. Foy Valentine, Dallas, TX

Gifts By Foy Valentine`s Bible Class
In honor of their teacher`s 80th birthday, the Bob Glaze Sunday School Class taught by Foy Valentine at Park Cities Baptist Church gave $3605 to the ministry of CET: Robert Addison, Sparkey Beckham, Kenneth W. Coleman, David F. Davidson, W. Richard Davis, Gene E. Diskey, Keith Drummond, Robert O. Feather, Robert E. Glaze, W. P. Martin, John Phillips, Homer Rader, M. D. Sampels, John Scott, H. N. Shannon, J. R. Tomlin, Wes Westbrook, Perry W. White, Hugh Williams, and Rex M. Winters.

A Growing Number of Churches Support CET
First Baptist, Longview, TX
First Baptist, Plainview, TX

First Baptist, Waynesboro, VA
Northminster Baptist, Jackson, MS

North Stuart Baptist, Stuart, FL
Park Cities Baptist, Dallas, TX

Trinity Baptist Church, San Antonio, TX Wilshire Baptis tChurch, Dallas, TX

Note: If just thirty churches provided $1000 annually from their budget or gifts, this would provide a financial base of one-half (50%) of the CET annual budget.

Balance on Hand 12/31/02: $18,513
Expenditures 2003:              $62,870
TOTAL:                                  $86,407

Gifts/Income 2003:               $67,894
BALANCE 12/31/2003:          $22,995

Updated Sunday, March 07, 2004

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