Rich Folk and the Family of Lazerus

Rich Folk and the Family of Lazerus
By Al Staggs, Chaplain and Performing Artist, Sante Fe, NM

It`s a long, long time to wait
For life to be better in that
Sweet by and by
For most citizens of this land
And for most of those who dwell on this earth.
For these lie is a long way
From something that is good,
It is instead a prison,
Something to be endured

For these who worry
For food, hosing, medical care-
Life is a prison,
It is unrelenting stress
To find the day`s manna,
To keep something on one`s belly
And to satisfy the appetites of their young

These are these who have no time,
No energy, no freedom to organize,
To speak as new loud and compelling voice

There`s also little desire to pray
For God appears to have bequeathed the riches and treasures
Of this earth to a tiny minority,
Those who feel entitled,

God, they assume, is their silent partner
And so they repose in tranquil slumber each night
Knowing that there will be quite enough for tomorrow

Does God know this?
Does God see this?
Does God have the power to rectify

One fact remains in this disparity-
The gulf between the haves and the have nots
Is created, perpetrated and exacerbated

Surely God is not only concerned
With whether we pray
Or whether we attend church on Sundays
Or whether w have ever entertained a lustful thought

Surely God is concerned that there are those
Who sit at the world`s family table
And who reach into the common platter of food
And take much more than they need
And thus deprive others around that table
Enough on which they can survive.

Those who suffer here
Should not be required to wait till the hereafter
And those who possess an abundance
Should either share and work for equity
Or else not look forward to anything after this life
Except that which awaits us all,
Judgment Day.

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