
A Collection of Quotes, Comments, Statistics, and News Items “This country will not be a permanently good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a reasonably good place for all of us to live in.”
Theodore Roosevelt, 26th U.S. President. “As a Christian, I know how to die, but nobody ever taught me how to grow old.”
Billy Graham, commenting on his final book Nearing Home, on aging. “The other day I got an e-mail message saying simply this: Rosa Parks sat in 1955. Martin Luther King Jr. walked in 1963. Barack Obama ran in 2008. That our children might fly.”
Roger Coen, Op-Ed Columnist, NYT, Nov. 6, 2008. “The only thing that would disqualify Gov. [Sarah] Palin from being governor or vice-president, in my opinion, would be if her husband didn’t want her to do it.”
SBC ethics executive Richard Land (RNS). “We spend more in three days in the Pentagon than for the 800 million poor in Africa in an entire year. . . . Wall Street pays in bonuses each year more than all the world has given to the 800 million poor in Africa.”
Jeffrey D. Sachs, MSNBC Morning (9/24/08). “We cannot kill our way to victory.”
Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testifying about the U.S. war in Afghanistan, which has killed hundreds of civilians. “Our country right or wrong . . . when right to be kept right; when wrong to be put right.”
The full statement of the famous quote by Carl Schurz (Baptists Today, 10/2008) “I don’t create institutions. Never have, never will.”
Jesus in William Young’s novel, The Shack, which CT editor Derek Keefe calls “a tale of tragedy redeemed, not a theological treatise.” “If we hope less, our concept of God is too small.”
Matthew Elliott “Your victory has demonstrated that no person anywhere in the world should not dare to dream of wanting to change the world for a better place. We note and applaud your commitment to supporting the cause of peace and security around the world. We trust that you will also make it the mission of your presidency to combat the scourge of poverty and disease everywhere. . . . We are sure you will ultimately achieve your dream.”
Nelson Mandela, the first black president of South Africa, to Barack Obama. “Contrary to the rumors that you have heard, I was not born in a manager. . . . it was actually on Krypton!”
President-Elect Barack Obama, “I believe in the sun, even if it does not shine. I believe in love, even if I do not feel it. I believe in God, even if I do not see him.”
Inscription on a Warsaw Ghetto wall by an Unknown Jew, circa 1942. “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

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