The Rising of Bread for the World

 Book Reviews

”Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed.” Francis Bacon (d. 1626)

Book Reviewed
by Darold Morgan

The Rising of Bread for the World
Arthur Simon, New York: Paulist Press, 2009.

When anyone becomes aware of efforts to meet the overwhelming challenges of hunger throughout the world, they almost instantly think of Arthur Simon and the universally acclaimed movement.Bread for the World. This is perhaps the foremost citizen on lobby on hunger. This book, authored by Simon, is not only his interesting and surprising autobiography, but it documents the birth and eventual maturity of this genuinely effective movement to get food to the starving multitudes throughout the world.

Simon as early years as a Lutheran pastor as son, his close relationship with his brother Paul (later one of the nation  of truly great politician and statesman), his college and seminary education in the ultra-conservative Missouri Lutheran synod, his years as a Lutheran pastor in the tenement sections of New York City, his developing genius as an organizer and synthesizer. all come together in this delightful and powerful reading experience as one traces the unfolding of an idea of feeding the poor and hungry–a very successful life indeed!

The author’s determination to keep ”Bread for the World”  authentically Christian is a major thing of beauty in his book. Alongside his delightful discovery of his organizing skills, one rejoices in his pulling together a blending of religious and political leadership that indeed is a primary reason for the

success of this effort to get food to the hungry. It began as a Lutheran effort, but Simon enlisted strong Roman Catholic, American Jewish, and Protestant leadership of all types–all coming together to fashion an effective way to address hunger and poverty.

A warm word of commendation is directed to Patricia Ayers and Phil Strickland of Texas Baptist life for their contributions to ”Bread for the World.”

What emerges from this small paperback is a powerful reminder of how God can lead one man to levels of extraordinary usefulness. The issue of world hunger is a challenge that will not go away. The need is constant and increasing in intensity.

How Arthur Simon developed a keen eye and a steadfast heart for political effectiveness in Washington, D.C. and beyond is almost beyond belief. How he enlisted in this organization the men and women of outstanding influence is a story which is still unfolding. His original and unswerving commitment to feed the hungry is still the focus of ”Bread for the World.” Read this book for the amazing story and you will be informed and inspired. 

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