A Distinctly Baptist Church

 Book Reviews
“Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed.”         
Francis Bacon (d.1626)

A Distinctly Baptist Church
Ronnie Prevost,
Smyth & Helwys, Macon, GA, 2008.

Reviewed by Darold Morgan,
Richardson, TX


            Here is a jewel of a book for Baptist churches everywhere in America. It is written by a Baptist for Baptists. Dr. Prevost teaches Church Ministry at the Logsdon Seminary, a part of Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene, Texas.

            Based on the premise in these post-modern days that many Baptists have either forgotten or neglected what it means to be a Baptist, the author explains in solid and readable laymen’s language how “Baptist doctrine should influence our worship, evangelism, missions, and education ministries. Because it is a “need-meeting” book, Baptist pastors and lay leaders would make a wise and sound move to make this the basis of a teaching series (or even a preaching sequence) in the local church.

            Not many among us would disagree that Baptists everywhere, regardless of affiliation, need a more informed clergy and laity when it comes to Baptist history and the teachings renown as “Baptist Distinctives.” Reading this little paper-back book would be a source of much needed reminders of a rich and helpful heritage as Baptist churches face a very challenging array of issues in current society.

            Prevost’s helpful format of discussion questions at the end of each chapter is practical. Particularly helpful are his chapters on worship and education.

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