AN OPEN LETTER TO OUR READERS – It`s Friday-But Sunday`s Comin`

“It’s Friday—But Sunday’s Comin’”

I’ve heard Tony Campolo preach this sermon many times—it always inspires and challenges me. The sermon idea came from Marshall L. Shepard, Jr., an elderly black Baptist pastor of West Philadelphia.

What a message for 2009! In the midst of an economic depression, business failures, high unemployment, housing foreclosures, and Ponzi schemes, IT’S FRIDAY—BUT SUNDAY’S COMIN’! We really do believe that!

If you read our Financial Report for 2009 in the last issue of the Journal, you know that in 2008 (for the first time) CET cost more to publish ($100,824) than our income ($82,602 from 827 donors). Our Board and staff are working together to reduce costs to about $90,000 in 2009).*

Voluntary giving is difficult in hard times—we understand that. And, as Foy Valentine said when he launched the Journal in 1995, we will continue sending it to anyone requesting the Journal “as long as money and energy permit.”

If you are able to send a gift—$10, $25, $100, or more—Thanks! If not, don’t worry—our main purpose is readers (now totaling over 5500), so keep receiving the Journal and telling others about it, for that is what makes us the happiest.

So don’t forget, even though it is Friday, Sunday’s comin’.

Grateful for your support,

Joe E. Trull, Editor
Fisher Humphreys, Chair

P.S. Remember that a gift of $50 or more entitles you to any of our previous offers: T. B. Maston’s Why Live the Christian Life?, Foy Valentine’s Whatsoever Things Are Lovely, Putting Women In Their Place by the Trulls, the DVD “The Minister and Politics” (Wallis, Campolo, Boyd, Rogers), or the CD-ROM containing Issues 1-59 (1995-2005) of the Journal (Indexed by Author/Subject).

*Note: In 2009 Christian Ethics Today will be published quarterly, four times each year, in the Winter (Feb.), Spring (May), Summer (Aug.), and Fall (Nov.), rather than five times annually as was done in the past.

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