Be A Little Kinder

Martin Marty`s Context, a constant source of blessing, is published 22 times a year by Clarerian Publications, 205 West Monroe St. Chicago, Illionis, 60606. The subscription price is $29.95  per year. Call 1/800-328-6515. His Volume 29, Number 19 issue noted , from the Chronicle of Higher Education, 6/20/97, that Huston Smith, famed and senior professor of religion at Syracuse said:

"While I ws teaching at MIT, Aldous Huxley joined us for a semester as distinguished visiting professor in humanities. Needless ot say, he was in demand all over New England, and my regard for him was so great that I volunteered to be his social secretary, driving him to and from his engagements because I wanted nothing so much that semester as to spend as much time in his presence as I could manage. On the way to one of his engagements, he said, `You know, Huston, it`s rather embarrassing to have spent one`s entire lifetime pondering the human condition and to tome toward its close and find that I really don`t have anything more profound to pass on by way of advice that, `Try to be a little Kinder.`"


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