Book Review

The Gospel With Extra Salt: Friends of Tony Campolo Celebrate His Passions for Ministry Edited by Joseph B. Modica_Reviewed

Book Review Reviewed by John C. Howell, Professor of Christian Ethics, Ret. Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary The Gospel ...

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Stand With Christ: Why Missionaries Can`t Sign the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message

Book Reviewed by Douglas Groothuis Associate Professor of Philosophy at Denver Seminary When Religion Becomes Evil Charles Kimball ...

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The New Millennium Manual

A Book Review By Darold Morgan [Dr. Darold Morgan is President Emeritus of the Annuity Baord of the ...

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Whatsoever Things Are Lovely

Book Review Reviewed by Darold Morgan Richardson, TX Whatsoever Things Are Lovely Foy Valentine Wimberley, TX: CET Publication, ...

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War Or Words: Interreligious Dialogue as an Instrument of Peace

BOOK/MOVIE REVIEWS "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed." Francis Bacon War Or Words – ...

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The Fall of the Evangelical Nation (by Morgan)

Book Reviews “Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed.”          Francis Bacon (d. 1626) The Fall of the ...

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Life and Death Matters: Seeking the Truth about Capital Punishment

Book Reviews “Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed.” Francis Bacon (d. 1626) Life and Death Matters: Seeking ...

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After God`s Own Heart: The Life and Faith of David

Book Review By Daniel L. Chisholm, Pastor, Signal Mountain BC Signal Mountain, Tennessee  After God`s Own Heart: The Life ...

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Is the Market Moral

 Book Reviewed by Darold Morgan Richardson, TX Is the Market Moral? Is The Market Moral Rebecca M. Blank ...

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Red Letter Christians

Book Reviewed by Michelle D. Basich, Ventura, CA. Red Letter Christians Tony Campolo, Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 2008. ...

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