Ethics Bytes

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Views of the War in Gaza

Ethics Bytes: Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Views of the War in Gaza Most Israelis blame the war in Gaza squarely ...

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When Jesus disarmed Peter in the Garden …

Ethics Bytes:   When Jesus disarmed Peter in the Garden, he disarmed all Christians.  Tertullian (c. 160-225)

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the biggest threat to America … is us

Ethics Bytes:   News Service. This post appeared 8-22-2014 on God’s Politics, A Blog of Jim Wallis and Friends ...

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How Stephen Colbert explained complicated issues like God and hell to his own children

Ethics Bytes:   NPR’s Fresh Air, host Terry Gross asked how Stephen Colbert explained complicated issues like God and ...

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Who are the Yazidis?

Ethics Bytes:  Who are the Yazidis? 40,000 Yazidis were trapped on a mountain top in Iraq after a ...

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