Issue 1

95 Theses (Luther`s Original)

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95 Theses & To Be Nailed Parallel

Luther’s 95 Theses and To Be Nailed in parallel columns. RWJr

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95 Theses (To Be Nailed)

95 Theses (To Be Nailed) In 1517 when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of ...

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Why I Am a Baptist

Why I Am a Baptist By Professor Walter Rauschenbusch In this article:   Prelude   Baptists emphasize the primacy of ...

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Introduction to Walter Rauschenbusch`s Why I Am a Baptist

Introduction to Walter Rauschenbusch`s Why I Am a Baptist Foy Valentine WaIter Rauschenbusch and Christian social ethics are forever ...

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Why the Religious Right is Wrong About Separation of Church and State

A Book Review of Sorts By Foy Valentine Why the Religious Right is Wrong About Separation of Church ...

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The Crisis in Public Education

The Crisis in Public Education Frosty Troy Frosty Troy delivered this address at the annual meeting of Americans ...

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Crying in the Wilderness – Streaking in Jerusalem – The Prophethood of All Believers

Crying in the Wilderness: Streaking in Jerusalem: The Prophethood of All Believers Foy Valentine Activating Our Christian Prophethood ...

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Christian Ethics: Quo Vadis? A Conversation with Henlee Barnette

Christian Ethics: Quo Vadis? A Conversation with Henlee Barnette Emeritus Professor of Christian Ethics The Southern Baptist Theological ...

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Christian Ethics: `Who`s Alive in `95?

Christian Ethics: `Who`s Alive in `95? Twenty years ago The Christian Century editors worked up a short list ...

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