Issue 112

America`s Forbidden Zone

By Kevin Cosby Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray ...

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The Gospel of Luke and the Issue of Privilege: Using Context to Re-read Luke to Address Systemic Racism

By Lewis Brogdon, Bluefield College  Introduction  The words rich and poor are mentioned 16 and nine times respectively ...

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By Dr. Lewis Brogdon For nearly 400 years, the church in America has struggled and mostly failed in ...

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Philanthropic Tokenism Today

By Chris Caldwell Hollywood will never make a movie about Curt Flood, the black man who arguably did ...

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The Elephant in the Room: Examining the Impact of Systemic White Supremacy on the Work of Racial Reconciliation

By Carey Ruiz “Racism is the water, not the shark”  -Drego Little (2017) In yet another racist incident ...

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But How Will We Repair? Practical Legal Approaches

By Chris Sanders Will America ever look its sins of the past square in the eye? Or will ...

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The Institutional Legacy of American Slavery: Theological and Economic Entanglement

By Darvin A. Adams  Blacks have been in this country since 1619. For more than 200 years they ...

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Zacchaeus and the Salvation of American Christianity

By Lewis Brogdon But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give ...

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The Handwriting on the Wall

By Patrick Anderson, editor Suddenly the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of ...

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