Issue 17

017 PDF Version

Issue 017 PDF Version  Click Link above for exact duplicate of the printed Journal in PDF.  The PDFs ...

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On Being Seventy Five

On Being Seventy Five By Foy Valentine "Whatsoever things are…lovely…think on these things" Philippians 4:8 Today I am ...

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Carlyle Marney as Ethicist

Carlyle Marney as Ethicist By Michael C. Blackwell [Dr. Michael Blackwell has been president of the Baptist Children`s ...

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How to Win at Work

How to Win at Work By Paul Basden First, motivate yourself. Second, know what time it is. Third, ...

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Boys and Boats

Boys and Boats By Bruce McIver [Dr. Bruce McIver is the author of Stories I Couldn`t Tell While ...

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525,600 Minutes

525,600 Minutes By Roger Lovette [Dr. Roger Lovett is pastor of the Baptist Church of the Covenant in ...

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The Banker Who Heard Voices

The Banker Who Heard Voices By Hal Haralson Shirley Humphries is a banker. She has been a friend ...

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A Measure of Faith: George Gallup, Jr.

A Measure of Faith: George Gallup, Jr. By Diane Winston [Diane Winston is a free lance writer and ...

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I Got Old Much Sooner Than I Had Expected

I Got Old Much Sooner Than I Had Expected By Kathryn Nutt Shamburge [Mrs. Kathryn Shamburger is a ...

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The Secret Life of the Perfect Suburb

The Secret Life of the Perfect Suburb By William E. Hull [Dr. William E. Hull preached this message ...

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