Issue 35


Wisdom By Foy Valentine, Founding Editor The genre which I have generally used in writing for this journal ...

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Left Behind

Left Behind" By William E. Hull, Research Professor Samford University, Birmingham, AL Editor`s Note: The article is an ...

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God`s Name In Vain

Book Review by Darold H. Morgan God`s Name In Vain Stephan L. Carter, Basic Books, 2000 The well-known ...

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The `Truly Blessed` Cadillac

The `Truly Blessed` Cadillac By Lawrence Webb Minister and retired College Professor, Anderson, South Carolina Let me make ...

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A Seamless Garment of Love: A Review and Reflection on Is the Fetus a Person

A Seamless Garment of Love: A Review and Reflection on Is the Fetus a Person? By Wilton H. Bunch, ...

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Global Ethics What We Can Learn From Christians Overseas

Global Ethics What We Can Learn From Christians Overseas By Jack A. Hill, Assistant Professor of Religion Texas ...

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