Issue 36

Fighting Wars

Fighting Wars By Hal Haralson, Attorney Austin, Texas He introduced himself as Colonel Jack Smith. I noticed how ...

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Freud Or Fraud

Freud Or Fraud? By Charles Wellborn Professor of Religion Emeritus, Florida State University Sigmund Freud, the influential psychoanalyst, ...

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Is Home Schooling Indoctrination

  Musings on Education  Is Home Schooling Indoctrination?  By Ralph Lynn, Professor of History ret. Baylor University Editor’s ...

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Losing the Mind of the World

Musings on Education Losing the Mind of the World By Ralph Lynn, Professor of History ret. Baylor University ...

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No Child Left Behind

Musings on Education No Child Left Behind By Ralph Lynn, Professor of History ret. Baylor University Editor`s Note: ...

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Should Christians Pray the Prayer of Jabez

Should Christians Pray the Prayer of Jabez? By Michael D. Riley, Pastor First Baptist Church, Plano, Texas Editor`s ...

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To Clone or Not to Clone: What Saith the Commandments

To Clone or Not to Clone: What Saith the Commandments? ©2001 By Dwight A. Moody, Dean of Chapel, ...

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Vocation: Divine Summons

Vocation: Divine Summons© By Gilbert Meilaender Professor of Theology, Valparaiso University Editor`s Note: This essay was delivered as ...

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