Issue 59

The Vatican in Colorado Springs

The Vatican in Colorado Springs By Andrew Lee, Rose Institute of State and Local Government Claremont McKenna College ...

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Apparition By Joel K. Thomas, Parishioner Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Dallas, TX She works in ...

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Bribing People to Church: Pizzas and $120,000 Houses

Bribing People to Church: Pizzas and $120,000 Houses By Kyle Bueermann, Minister of Youth & Music FBC, Crosbyton, ...

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War Or Words: Interreligious Dialogue as an Instrument of Peace

BOOK/MOVIE REVIEWS "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed." Francis Bacon War Or Words – ...

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We’ve Got Mail

We’ve Got MailLetters From Our Readers “Foy’s courageous stands on the social issues of civil and women’s rights ...

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Losing Moses on the Freeway: The Ten Commandments in America

BOOK/MOVIE REVIEWS "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed." Francis Bacon Losing Moses on the ...

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EthixBytesA Collection of Quotes, Comments, Statistics, and News Items “GREED EST BONUM.”Motto of TrumpUniversity online school website, according ...

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Top Films of `05

BOOK/MOVIE REVIEWS "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed." Francis Bacon Top Films of `05 ...

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Violence, Religion, and Politics

Violence, Religion, and Politics By Bill Moyers, Broadcast Journalist New York, NY Note: This article is adapted from ...

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Will Fear Win?

Will Fear Win? By E. Glenn Hinson, Professor of Church History Baptist Seminary of Kentucky, Lexington "The only ...

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