Issue 69

069 PDF Version

069 PDF Version    Click Link above for exact duplicate of the printed Journal in PDF.  The PDFs will ...

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Divorce Rates by Denomination

Divorce Rates by Denomination Source Barna Research Non-Denom > 34% Baptist > 29% Episcopal > 28% Pentecostal > ...

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Health Care: Away from Her (2006)

CHRISTIAN ETHICS AND THE MOVIES Reviewed by David A. Thomas, Assoc. Prof. of Rhetoric, Emeritus University of Richmond[2] ...

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Not Exactly Job

Book Reviews “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed.” Francis Bacon (d. 1826) Not Exactly ...

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A Stupid, Unjust, and Criminal War: Iraq 2001-2007

Book Reviews “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed.” Francis Bacon (d. 1826) A Stupid, ...

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EthixBytes A Collection of Quotes, Comments, Statistics, and News Items “Let facts be submitted to a candid world.” ...

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Beyond the White House

Book Reviews “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed.” Francis Bacon (d. 1826)   Beyond ...

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The Bible Speaks to Tax Policy

The Bible Speaks to Tax Policy By Susan Pace Hamill, Professor of Law, University of Alabama             Americans ...

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Baptists and Religious Liberty

Book Reviews “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed.” Francis Bacon (d. 1826) Baptists and ...

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Fortified Churches: Relics of Faith and Fear

Fortified Churches: Relics of Faith and Fear By Patrick Anderson, Cedar Key, FL             Recently Bill Leonard and ...

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