Issue 80

Showing Friendship and Respect to Muslim

Showing Friendship and Respect to Muslims By Steve Blow, Columnist Dallas, TX             A prominent Dallas pastor denounces ...

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Glenn Beck Calls America Back To a Generic God

Glenn Beck Calls America Back—To a Generic God By Robert Parham, Executive Director Baptist Center for Ethics             ...

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Jesus and the Evolution of the Species

Jesus and the Evolution of the Species By Stanley Knick, Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Pembroke             ...

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Kingdom Theology Makes A Comeback

Kingdom Theology Makes A Comeback By David Gushee, McAfee School of Theology Atlanta, GA             The past decade ...

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The Persistence of Patriarchy

The Persistence of Patriarchy By Ann Eggebroten, California State University Northridge, CA             Today I am attending a ...

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Choose Love Not Power

Book Reviews “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed.” Francis Bacon (d. 1626) Choose Love ...

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The Religion of LOST and American Religious Culture

The Religion of LOST and American Religious Culture By Benjamin E. Zeller             This spring the television series ...

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Book Reviews “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed.”Francis Bacon (d. 1626) Bonhoeffer—Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, ...

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Better Than Walking On Water

Better Than Walking On Water Related by Martin E. Marty in Context (July, 2010).             Now here’s Tony ...

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Index Issues 77-80 (2010-80)

Index to Authors/Subjects                       Volume 16, Issues 77-80 (2010). Note: A complete index of Issues 1-58 (1995-Winter 2006) ...

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