Issue 93

Ethics Bytes ALL

 Colossians 1:15-20 tells us that all things are made by God, sustained through God, exist for God. Christ ...

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Remember Those Who Are In Prison

Remember Those Who Are In Prison By Patrick Anderson America’s addiction to locking people in prison for interminable ...

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If I Had Lunch With C.S. Lewis: Exploring the Ideas of C.S. Lewis on the Meaning of Life

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Generous Justice

Book Review “Of making many books there is no end. . . “ Ecclesiastes 12:12 NRSV

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Sessions with Revelation: The Last Days of Evil

Book Review “Of making many books there is no end. . . “ Ecclesiastes 12:12 NRSV Sessions with ...

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Notes from My File Cabinet: Wisdom from J.M. Dawson

Notes from My File Cabinet: Wisdom from J.M. Dawson By James Dunn It was in a comfortable fireplace ...

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Bill Hull s Twenty Questions

Bill Hull’s Twenty Questions BY Walter B. Shurden 1.     In your sermon, “This is My Story,” you paint ...

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The Real origins of the Religious Right

The Real origins of the Religious Right Randal Balmer They’ll tell you it was abortion. Sorry, the historical ...

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Developing a Moral Vision for Climate Change: Overvew of the Planet

Developing a Moral Vision for Climate Change: Overvew of the Planet Ingrid LIlly Genesis 1:21-25 And God created ...

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The Birth of Baptist (Anti)Environmentalism: Reagan, the Religious Right and Government Regulation

The Birth of Baptist (Anti)Environmentalism: Reagan, the Religious Right and Government Regulation By Aaron Weaver Following World War ...

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