Issue 97

Threats to Religious Freedom in the Context of the Ukrainian Crisis: Religiously Motivated Terrorism Against Non-Orthodox Denominations

Threats to Religious Freedom in the Context of the Ukrainian Crisis: Religiously Motivated Terrorism Against Non-Orthodox Denominations By ...

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097 PDF Version

Issue 097 PDF Version   Click Link above for exact duplicate of the printed Journal in PDF.  The PDFs ...

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Liturgy for Undocumented Workers

Liturgy for Undocumented Workers By Sam Rodriguez Scripture Readings from Exodus 22: 21 and from Leviticus 19: 34 ...

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When the World Is Too Much

When the World Is Too Much “Courage! The victory is mine; I have conquered the world.” (John 16:33, ...

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If Jesus Isn t the Answer. . He Sure Asks the Right Questions

“Of making many books there is no end. . . “Ecclesiastes 12:12     NRSV If Jesus Isn’t the Answer. ...

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Findley Edge and Racial Reconciliation

Findley Edge and Racial Reconciliation by Deena Williams Newman The late Findley Bartow Edge, professor of religious education ...

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This Little Light of Mine: A Plea for Christians to Stop Hitting Children

This Little Light of Mine: A Plea for Christians to Stop Hitting Children by Victor I. Vieth The ...

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Three poems 40 years after the end of the War in Vietnam

Three poems 40 years after the end of the War in Vietnam By J. Randall O’Brien      February 15,2015 ...

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Understanding Religious Liberty in the Same-Sex Marriage Cases

Understanding Religious Liberty in the Same-Sex Marriage Cases By Holly Hollman Obergefell v. Hodges, the same-sex marriage case ...

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Exploring the Church-State Side of the Same-Sex Marriage Cases

Exploring the Church-State Side of the  Same-Sex Marriage Cases By J. Brent Walker When the U.S. Supreme Court ...

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