Movie Review

Sicko (2007)

CHRISTIAN ETHICS AND THE MOVIES Reviewed By David A. Thomas, Assoc. Prof. of Rhetoric, Emeritus, University of richmond1 ...

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Redition (2007)

Movie Review  By David A Thomas Seven Movies From2007Worth Seeing There are several important movies from 2007 that ...

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The Constant Gardener (2005)

CHRISTIAN ETHICS AND THE MOVIES Review by David A. Thomas Biomedical Ethics: The Constant Gardener (2005) Adapted from ...

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Gran Torino (2009)

Christian Ethics and the Movies Reviewed by David A. Thomas, Prof. of Rhetoric, Emeritus, University of Richmond[1] David ...

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Terrorism – Munich (2005) and Syriana (2005)

CHRISTIAN ETHICS AND THE MOVIES Terrorism – Munich (2005) and Syriana (2005) Movie Reviewed By David A. Thomas ...

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Slumdog Millionaire (2008)

Christian Ethics and the Movies Reviewed by David A. Thomas,  Prof. of Rhetoric, Emeritus University of Richmond[i] David ...

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War: Apocalypse Now (1979, rated R)

CHRISTIAN ETHICS AND THE MOVIES War: Apocalypse Now (1979, rated R) By David A. Thomas The best movie ...

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Defiance (2008)

Christian Ethics and the Movies Reviewed by David A. Thomas, Prof. of Rhetoric, Emeritus University of Richmond[ii] [ii] ...

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Top Films of `05

BOOK/MOVIE REVIEWS "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed." Francis Bacon Top Films of `05 ...

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Fireproof (2007)

Christian Ethics and the Movies Reviewed by David A. Thomas, Prof. of Rhetoric, Emeritus University of Richmond[1] David ...

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