By Hal Haralson

I sought God as a child.
"Now I lay me down to sleep."
Simple trust.
I found Him there…
But sought Him more.

I sought God as a youth.
Frantic searching.
Fearful surrender.
I found Him there…
But sought Him more.

I sought God in His Word.
Instruction. Forgiveness.
Comfort. Guidance.
I found Him there…
But sought Him more.
I sought God in others
Shared love. Pain.
Searching. Joy.
I found Him there…
But sought Him more.

I sought God in worship.
Broken bread. Spoken
Word. Songs of praise.
I found Him there…
But sought Him more.

I sought God within.
"You`re home my child"…
"My home," He said.
"You`ve found the door."

[Hal Haralson practices law and religion in Austin, Texas. He is a frequent contributor to Christian Ethics Today.]

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