
A Collection of Quotes Comments, Statistics, and News Items
“Justice is what love sounds like when it speaks in public.”
Michael Eric Dyson(Meetthe Press, 4/06/08).
“In the covenant community that was Israel, the idea demanded was that poverty and indebtedness be regularly rectified so that ‘There must then, be no poor among you’ (Dt 15:4). . . . setting up a social mechanism to prevent the gap between rich and poor from growing.”
Catholic Bishops of the Philippines(Sojourners, 5/08).
“President George W. Bush and seven of his administration’s top officials made at least 935 false statements in the two years following Sept. 11, 2001, about the national security threat posed by Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.”
Charles Lewis, Center for Public Integrity.
“For one-sixth of the cost of an Iraq war, one could put Social Security on firm financial footing for at least the next 50 to 75 years.”
Joseph E. Stiglitz and Bilmes, authors of The Three Trillion Dollar War.
“Whether Carter’s approach to conflict resolution is considered by the Israeli government as appropriate or defeatist, no one can take away from the former U.S. president . . . that he brought Israel and Egypt to a signed peace that has since held. Carter’s method . . . has still not proven to be any less successful than the method that calls for boycotts and air strikes. . . . Carter beats out any of those who ostracize him.”
Editorial in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz (5/08).
“There may yet be verdicts at Guantanamo. But following years of abuse, neglect and secrecy, there won’t be justice. The other place we won’t see legal accountability is at the upper levels of the Bush administration, where evidence of lawbreaking is largely dismissed or ignored.”
Dahlia Lithwick (Newsweek, 5/5/08).
“In the past four years at least five [military prosecutors] have quit their jobs or walked away from Gitmo cases because they believed their own integrity was being compromised.”
Dan Ephran in Newsweek (5/26/08).
“A half-truth is a whole lie.”
Yiddish proverb in Context (5/08).
“In 2003, the brash conservative banned all broadcast media from a speech in which he accepted a free-speech award. The next year he had to apologize to print reporters when his security guards made them erase tapes of his speech.”
Dahlia Lithwick reporting on Justice Antonin Scalia of the Supreme Court (Newsweek, 5/19/08).
“After modeling a seeker-sensitive approach to church growth for three decades, Willow Creek Community Church now plans to gear its weekend services toward mature believers seeking to grow in their faith. The change comes on the basis of four-year research that revealed fundamental weaknesses in the widely used approach.”
(Christianity Today, 5/15/08)
“The average American consumes or discards3770 calories of food energy per day—roughly 50% more than the average Indian. . . . and eats 57 times more corn annually than does the average Indian and about seven times more corn than the average Chinese. Americans throw away a staggering amount of food—27% of what’s edible.”
DallasMorning News (5/20/08).
“These Christian Right leaders neither ‘get it’ about climate change nor have a significant record of working to end global poverty. To oppose initiatives to address global warming on the grounds of their concern about global poverty is a disingenuous smokescreen.”
Robert Parham, (5/16/08) in response to a group of religious leaders and politicians unveiling a campaign to downplay concerns about human-induced global warming.
“I wish we could dedicate Memorial Day . . . to the idea of saving the lives of the young people who are going to die in the future. If we don’t find some new way, some new religion maybe, that takes war out of our lives—that would be a Memorial Day worth celebrating.”
Andy Rooney, 60 Minutes (5/25/08)
“The decision to invade Iraq was a strategic blunder. . . . [W]ar should only be waged when necessary, and the Iraq war was not necessarly.”
Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan in his book, What Happened?
“Suicides in the U.S. Army have skyrocketed in 2007 to 115, the highest since records have been kept, and over 2100 have attempted suicide.”
CNN News (5/28/08).
“This is the comfort of friends, that though they may be said to die, yet their friendship and society are, in the best sense, ever present, because immortal.”
William Penn, Founder of the Quakers.

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