A Collection of Quotes Comments, Statistics, and News Items

"Where you live in the world should not determine whether you live."
U2 rock superstar Bono at a Dallas rally about poverty and AIDS in Africa, 5/05/06.

"Exxon Mobil Corporation reported a $69.7 million compensation package and $98 million pension payout to former CEO and chairman Lee R. Raymond, to which Mel Fugate of SMU`s School of Business asked, `Is this more evidence of big oil taking an enormous windfall and retaining all the riches?`"
AP Business Report, 4/16/06.

"Their companies didn`t even grow as fast as the economy, yet they have this mountainous compensation…. We`re lost in an ethical morass here."
John Bogle, 76 -year-old founder of the Vanguard Group Inc. commenting on the salaries of CEOs.

"Taxpayers with incomes greater than $1 million per year receive tax cuts of $42,000, while families with incomes of $50,000 per year would average a $46 tax cut."
A joint study by the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution of the bill that extended tax cuts worth $70 billion over five years.

"Our commitment to Jesus Christ compels us to solve the global warming crisis."
New York Times Ad by 86 prominent evangelical lead­ers, including 39 Christian college presidents, in response to a letter from 22 Religious Right leaders (James Dobson, Richard Land, et. al.) requesting the NAE not to take an official stand on the issue.
"In a society that thrives on lies and deceit, an honest per­son is considered to be a radical."
Author George Orwell.

"The SBC is rank with nepotism, cronyism, favoritism and a network of political spoils distribution that would make Old Warren [U.S. President Harding] blush with shame."
Benjamin Cole (Parkview BC, Arlington, TX), one of a group of young conservative SBC pastors employing blogs to question SBC leadership.

"Baptists need no `spiritual masters`—either from the right or left—to tell them what to believe in their churches or universities."
Bill Underwood, incoming president of Mercer University in response to a Stanley Hauerwas statement that ‘the right reading of the Scripture depends on hav­ing spiritual masters who can help the whole Church stand under the authority of God’s Word.’

"Evidence continues to emerge of widespread torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment of detain­ees held in U.S. custody in Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay, Iraq, and other locations."
Amnesty International report to the U.N. Committee Against Torture (May 4, 2006).

"I have a commitment to worship the Prince of Peace, not the prince of pre-emptive war."
President Jimmy Carter, Washington Post interview, 11/04/05.
"I have never seen people enjoying their husband`s deaths so much. And by the way, how do you know their hus­bands weren`t planning to divorce these harpies?"
Ann Coulter, criticizing a group of activist 9/11 widows in her new book “Godless.”

"She`s not a social or political commentator. She`s a drag queen impersonating a fascist."
Time magazine blogger Andrew Sullivan on Ann Coulter, June 8.
"In my more than three decades in government, I have never seen anything approaching the degree to which information flow from scientists to the public has been screened and controlled as it is now."
James E. Hansen, director, NASA Goddard Institute, 2005.

"So the man who in 1995 maintained that the way to treat drug users was to `send them up the river` gets the chance to benefit from a public program he never would have supported for others."
The Palm Beach Post, commenting on the April 28 sen­tencing of Rush Limbaugh to supervision that requires him to pass a drug test each month for 18 months and payment of$30, 000 court costs for dragging out the investigation.  

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