The year 2007 was one of our best in the twelve-year history of Christian Ethics Today. A record number of 5400 subscribers, a major conference (funded by the Piper Foundation) on "The Minister and Politics" in Washington, D.C. the production and distribution of more than 1000 audios and videos of the conference, and the largest number of financial contributors ever!

During 2007, 898 contributors (an increase of 147 over 2006) gave $106,046 (an increase of $17,361 over 2006). In addition, a one-time gift of $10,000 came through the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship from a grant to provide Christian Ethics Today to several hundred ministers in mentoring groups throughout the country.

Most gifts ranged from $10 to $500. Significant gifts came from foundations and churches. Contributions of $1000 or more came from 14 individuals, including one supporter who gave $15,000 and another who give $17,500.

Every gift, no matter the size, is deeply appreciated. These larger gifts, however, do allow us to send the Journal to hundreds of readers who would otherwise not be able to receive it, including students, ministers, college and seminary libraries, and churches-all free of any cost. The cost of producing and mailing the Journal for the last three years has remained under $90,000, an amount most journalists find astounding. The credit goes to our capable staff of workers in five different cities, who keep expenses to a minimum.

From our inception in 1995, the founder of Christian Ethics Today-Foy Valentine- dreamed of a journal of Christian ethics that would be sent free of charge to anyone requesting it. He often said, "as long as finances and energy allows, we will continue to publish and send the Journal." To date we have not missed an issue. Although his energy is no longer with us, Foy`s dream lives on!

Special Thanks To Our Major Supporters
A special word of gratitude is due to these supporters who have kept the dream alive through major contributions of $1000 or more in 2007:

  • Baptist Foundation/Noble Hurley Fund
  • Northminster Baptist Church, Jackson, MS
  • Patricia Ayres, Austin, TX
  • Barbara Baugh, San Antonio, TX
  • Dr. Tony Campolo, St. Davids, PA
  • Dr. and Mrs. Jeph Holloway, Marshall, TX
  • Dr. Donald and Patsy Meier, El Paso, TX
  • Jim Pate, Dallas, TX
  • Dr. Burton Patterson, Southlake, TX
  • Ella/Lev Prichard Trust, Corpus Christi, TX
  • Dr. Herb Reynolds, Waco, TX
  • Dr. Paul Robertson, Sugar Land, TX
  • Gary and Sheila Rose, Midwest City, OK
  • David Smith, Houston, TX
  • Robert L. Stephenson, Oklahoma City, OK

CIOS/Piper Fund Grant
The Journal is deeply grateful for the third year of a grant of $25,000 from the CIOS/Piper Fund of Waco, Texas, for special projects. A major event was to sponsor a conference on "The Minister and Politics" last June in Washington, D. C., during the joint meeting of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and the American Baptist Convention, U.S.A. The four hour session featured four renowned speakers: Gregg Boyd, Tony Campolo, Melissa Rogers, and Jim Wallis. Numerous attendees claimed it was the best conference they had attended in many years. Audio and video CDs of the sessions have been mailed to hundreds of ministers, students, churches, and college and seminary libraries, as well as to subscribers and supporters of CET.

The funding also allowed the Editor to promote the Journal and the cause of Christian ethics through visits to state conventions, the Texas CLC conference, and Oklahoma Baptist University. The $32,477 expended includes unused funds from previous years.

*Balance: 12/31/06    $ 52,489
**Expenditures 2007:  $120,597
***Gifts/Income 2007: $141,046
*BALANCE: 12/31/07     $73,310

*This amount includes unused funds from the CIOS/Piper Grant.
**Expenditures in 2007 include $32,427 expended from the CIOS/Piper Grant.
***This amount includes the CIOS/Piper Grant of $25,000.


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