The year 2008, as everyone knows, was the beginning of a severe economic depression in our country and in the world. Yet, Christian Ethics Today has much for which to give thanks. A record number of over 5600 subsribe to CET and more than 200 additional copies are distributed five times each year to churches, colleges, seminaries, and groups (some foreign). Last September 16-17 CET sponsored a conference at Truett Seminary on “Red Letter Christians,” through funding from the CIOS/Piper Foundation, featuring such notables as Jimmy Allen, Tony Campolo, James Dunn, David Gushee, and dramatic monologist Al Staggs.

            From our inception in 1995, our founder Foy Valentine envisioned the Journal would be sent, free of charge, to anyone requesting it, “as long as finances and energy allows” he added. To date we have published seventy-three issues without missing a one, or charging for a subscription.

            In 2008, 827 individuals (898 in 2007) gave $82,602—although this was a decrease from the record amount of $106,046 given in 2007 (plus a $10,000 one-time gift from a foundation through CBF for Journals to mentoring groups), this support was commendable, given the economic times.

            We deeply appreciate every contribution, no matter the size. Most gifts range from $10 to $500. A few significant gifts of $1000 or more came from foundations, churches, and individuals, including one long-time supporter who gave $10,000. These larger gifts do make a big difference, especially in a year like 2008.

            The cost for producing and mailing the Journal for many years has remained between $80,000 and $90,000. In 2008, significant increases in printing, postage, and especially non-profit mailing have increased costs to around $100,000. We are blessed with a capable staff of workers in Des Moines, Dallas, Lewisville, and Beeville, as well as a supportive Board of Directors.

Special Thanks To Major Supporters of the Journal

            A special word of gratitude is due to these supporters who have kept Foy Valentine’s dream alive through their major contributions of $1000 or more in 2008:

  • Baptist Foundation/Noble Hurley Fund
  • Northminster Baptist Church, Jackson, MS
  • Stanley K. Togikawa/Shiraki Memorial Foundation, Honolulu, HI
  • Patricia Ayres, Austin, TX
  • Dr. and Mrs. Jeph Holloway, Marshall, TX
  • Dr. Burton Patterson, Southlake, TX
  • Gary land Sheila Rose, Midwest City OK
  • David Smith, Houston, TX
  • Gulf Winds Int./Steve Stewart, Houston, TX
  • Barbara Baugh, San Antonio, TX
  • Jim Pate, Dallas, TX
  • Dr. Paul Robertson, Sugarland, TX
  • Lisa Simmons, Dallas, TX
  • Robert L. Stephenson, Oklahoma City, OK

CIOS/Piper Fund Grant

            For the last four years the Journal has been blessed with a special grant of $25,000 each year, a total of $100,000, from the CIOS/Piper Fund of Waco, Texas, for special conferences and projects. As noted above, the major event in 2008 was the two-day conference at Truett Seminary, which included the distribution of Tony Campolo’s new book Red Letter Christians (Regal Books, 2008). The Fund also assisted in the re-publication of T. B. Maston’s classic text, Why Live the Christian Life? , providing book/video resources to international seminaries/churches/colleges, and participating in CBF and state conferences and conventions.

            Our gratitude to the Piper Family for their generosity is exceeded only by the hundreds of lives that have been blessed through these special events.


Balance 12/31/07

$ 66,748

Gifts/Income 2008

$ 82,602

Expenditures 2008


BALANCE: 12/31/08

$ 48,526*

*The balance is actually $48,749 due to a bookkeeping surplus.


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